01 November 2017

Wordless Wednesday 470

Orange Tree, 2017

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  1. That’s brilliant! Amazing orange against that fall sky.


  2. Our trees seem to be slow this year.

  3. Palm trees don't change colors, but I do have fond memories of raking leaves and jumping in them as a kid.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. I'm loving photos of trees full of fall colors.

  5. Lovely fall colors!
    And I like seeing the detail on some of the individual leaves.

  6. Very nice, especially against the nice blue sky and wispy clouds.

  7. So pretty! I love fall leaves and this year we actually have some as it didn't go immediately from hot to freezing. I just love looking at all the colors.

  8. the lack of a true cold fall here in NYC means no leaf peeping ... even in the parks, the trees look as if its still summer .. so thanks for a glimpse of the gold

  9. The golden season! Love it.
    Happy WW!


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