21 February 2018

Wordless Wednesday 485

Walnut tree, 2018

Click image to enlarge. For more Wordless Wednesday click here.


  1. I’m reading a book right now that reminds me of your photo. It’s Richard Powers’ latest book. Your photo would make a great cover.

    That sky is magnificent.

  2. There's nothing quite like a proud old tree.

  3. I love the contrast between the tree and the sky.

  4. That's beautiful! I'm not sure I've ever seen a walnut tree. We have pecans in our area.

  5. I love walnut trees! I remember gathering walnuts that had fallen on the ground when I was a kid. YUM!

  6. Lovely capture! It will be spring soon.
    Happy WW!

  7. Beautiful photo of the tree!

  8. Lovely old tree. And nice to see some blue sky peeking out, too, I'm sure!


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