18 April 2018

Wordless Wednesday 493

Forsythia, 2018

I braved the snow flurries to get this shot! Click image to enlarge. For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.


  1. Beth,

    I love the cheeriness of a pre-spring Forsythia blooms! One day, I'd like to have an area set aside in my yard with several of these bushes to burst forth at the first sign of spring. Thanks for sharing and please feel free to join my WW linky party!

    Curious as a Cathy

  2. I miss the forsythia I had at my house where I used to live. It was a sure sign of spring.

  3. How can yellow not be cheerful! Good for you for braving the snow to snap a bit of sunshine!

  4. Forsythia always make me feel happy!

  5. brrrr, you still have snow! who would say, this is such a spring photo.

  6. Snow in late April, what's the matter with Mother Nature these days? We have warm days and then the nights go down into the 40's & 50's.

    I love the flower and the color. It was my husbands favorite color.

  7. This is one of those things that shouldn't have to be "braved." It's kinda like the snowman who wishes to see July. It should never happen.

  8. I was always thrilled to see the first blossoms of forsythia in spring. We often had snow (or ice!) after that first appearance, but somehow it made the last weeks of winter seem not so terrible. I almost miss it...

  9. its the harbinger of spring in the NYC


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