Award and Tagged!
Thanks so much to Softdrink (Jill) over at Fizzy Thoughts for giving me a Kreativ Blogger award! Six lucky bloggers -- me included -- received the award for being the antithesis of ethnocentrism, which is a pretty great compliment. Thanks Softdrink!!!!
Because I received and bestowed this award just last month, I'll refrain from passing it along.

- The book that's been on my shelf the longest: Hard to tell because I have many of my childhood books with me, but I'll say The Secret Garden.
- A book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time, etc.): I'm going to go with The Glass Bead Game. When I was in college, my pals and I spent hours on end discussing Hesse's books.
- A book you acquired in some interesting way (gift, serendipity in a used bookstore, prize, etc.): I'll say A Writer's Companion by Louis Rubin, which my husband brought home to me one day because he noticed it in the store and thought I'd like it (I did!). That was back when the Internet was new and I still liked having tons of reference books on hand.
- A book that’s been with you to the most places: Can't really say since I have a book with me almost all the time.
- The most recent addition to your shelves: I believe it's Endurance.
- A bonus book that you want to talk about but doesn’t fit into the other questions: I don't really have anything to add!
1. Tag 3-5 people, so the fun keeps going!
2. Leave a comment at the original post at A Striped Armchair, so that Eva can collect everyone’s answers.
3. If you leave a comment and link back to Eva as the meme’s creator, she will enter you in a book giveaway contest! She has a whole shelf devoted to giveaway books that you’ll be able to choose from, or a bookmooch point if you prefer.
4. Remember that this is all about enjoying books as physical objects, so feel free to describe the exact book you’re talking about, down to that warping from being dropped in the bath water…
5. Make the meme more fun with visuals! Covers of the specific edition you’re talking about, photos of your bookshelves, etc.
Who to tag?
Joyfully Retired
Robin at My Two Blessings
Lisa at Books Ahoy!
EDIT: Michele over at A Reader's Respite also tagged me for this. Like Josette, she did a fantastic job with this fun meme. Be sure you check out their blogs.
Congratulations on your award! Getting it from Soft Drink makes it extra special - I love her blog.
Thanks Beth. I was looking at book memes yesterday and came across an interesting one. I'll be bringing it up at some point. :)
Meanwhile, I'll give this one some thought and post later.
Thank you for tagging me. It looks like fun. I'll get my answers together in the next few days.
Congrats on your deserve it! I also love this meme. I was tagged for it a few weeks ago and alot of fun answering the questions!
You definitely deserved this award. :)
Thanks guys for your kind thoughts. I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with good vibes!
Full disclosure: I really did have photos of the book covers. I worked on my meme post for almost an hour. Then -- who knows what I hit -- suddenly the post went "poof!" and Blogger ate it. I just didn't have the heart to start over. So that's the true story of why there are no pictures of my books. :-(
Loved your answers, Beth! You're such a good sport to play along even when Blogger eats your posts, lol!
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