09 August 2009

Movie Review: Lost in Austen

My first ever movie review. Let me say right up front that I'm not a movie connoisseur, and I really have no clue how to review a film. I am reviewing Lost in Austen as part of the Everything Austen Challenge hosted by Stephanie's Written Word.

From Netflix: After a dispute with her boyfriend, Amanda lands in the 19th-century world of author Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. While helping the Bennet sisters find husbands, Amanda accidentally causes problems that could alter the course of the tale. Throughout this British series, Amanda must balance her feelings for Mr. Darcy (Elliot Cowan) with her responsibility to the one of the world's greatest love stories. Jemima Rooper stars. [Made for UK television, 2008]

My Thoughts: This was fun movie for fans of Pride and Prejudice. I'm not sure how much it would appeal to viewers who do not know Austen's novel, but if you do know P&P and if you're familiar with some of the other film renditions (especially Colin Firth as Darcy), then you'll probably enjoy Lost in Austen.

The movie brings new insight to the novel as we learn the "true" stories and personalities of several of the familiar characters. Some of the scenes in which Amanda's 21st-century perspective and behavior slip out are funny, and the character of Caroline Bingly was particularly well played.

I recommend this alternative P&P for all Austen fans. Remember that Lost in Austen is supposed to be a takeoff on P&P not a faithful rendering. In fact, the humor is in the ways Amanda's actions threaten to disrupt the story line, and it's entertaining to predict how or if she will be able to set things right.

Here's the movie trailer for those who haven't seen it yet. EDIT: be sure to visit the link in Liz B's comment for a great scene that was left out of the DVD version of the movie.

The IMDb site has information about the actors plus some trivia and quotes.


Lexie 8/9/09, 7:43 AM  

I watched this back when it premiered on the BBC and was pretty happy with it (except for some of the scenes). I really loved Wickham though! I was a little disappointed they didn't do more for him.

And it was kind of a treat for me since I got to see my two favorite actresses work together again.

Heather 8/9/09, 8:03 AM  

Oh my goodness, this looks so funny and delicious! That guy may give Colin Firth a run for his money! (gasp! Did I just say that?) I'm going to go add it to my queue!

And I think you did a great job in your first movie review! :)

Anonymous,  8/9/09, 8:59 AM  

i've been having a bit of an austen summer myself--and this looks so cute! i'm off to track it down so i can see it in full! thanks for the tip...who doesn't need a bit more mr. darcy in her life?!?!

Molly 8/9/09, 9:36 AM  

This is in my queue at Netflix and I hope to receive it before school starts. I, too, plan to watch this fun film for the Everything Austen challenge.

I think you wrote a lovely movie review :)

Serena 8/9/09, 9:54 AM  

I have not seen this movie, but it looks like a riot! I think this should be on my Everything Austen challenge list!

Literary Feline 8/9/09, 10:10 AM  

You did a wonderful job with your movie review, Beth! I'm still struggling with reviewing movies. I just don't feel qualified to do it quite the way I do with books. Still, I try. Or rather, I share my thoughts about the movie. I don't think they count as actual reviews. LOL

This sounds like a fun movie. Pride an Prejudice is one of my favorite Austen books, so I might like this film. I'll have to add it to my netflix list.

J.T. Oldfield 8/9/09, 10:17 AM  

I'm going to watch this for the Everything Austen Challenge as well. I can't wait!

JoAnn 8/9/09, 10:35 AM  

Wasn't this a fun film? My daughter and I loved it, too...and you wrote a fine movie review.

Liz B 8/9/09, 10:43 AM  

Did you see the scene with Amanda singing? It's not on the DVD because of rights issues with the song.

I have a clip at my review of the miniseries: http://yzocaet.blogspot.com/2009/06/lost-in-austen.html

bookmagic 8/9/09, 10:52 AM  

I enjoyed this movie also, but was disappointed that they left out a very funny scene of Amanda at the pianoforte singing "Downtown" by Petula Clark. It was in the original BBC version. I also loved the part where she recreates the Colin Firth in the lake scene.

Beth F 8/9/09, 10:55 AM  

Liz: Thanks so much for that URL. It was a bit confusing at that point in the DVD version. I love the Downtown scene!

Sandy Nawrot 8/9/09, 11:27 AM  

I'm going to find it quite humorous when I get on Netflix and find that this rental has a 3 to 6 month wait!

Unknown 8/9/09, 12:17 PM  

I recorded this from the TV, but somehow managed to miss one of the episodes and so had to delete it. I will get a copy one day - thank you for reminding me about it.

Beth Kephart 8/9/09, 2:56 PM  

I have the slightest wee-est bit of concern about myself this summer. I'm reading books like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest while everyone else I know has gone Austen.

Uh oh.

Beth F 8/9/09, 3:00 PM  

But Beth, Kesey and crew are so worth reading! Sometimes a Great Notion was a favorite of mine for long while. I read him in the early to mid-1970s.

Beth Kephart 8/9/09, 3:25 PM  

Kesey is really good isn't he?

>>> :)

Stephanie 8/9/09, 5:00 PM  

I too really enjoyed Lost in Austen and was bummed when they left out the "Downtown" singing scene from the DVD.

Author Kelly Moran 8/9/09, 7:37 PM  

love your blog. i love connecting with other reviewers, readers, and writers. i'm following you now. you should visit/follow mine. i have all things books...
nice seeing you.

Anonymous,  8/9/09, 8:08 PM  

Wow, thanks for the Youtube...love those!

vvb32 reads 8/9/09, 11:18 PM  

you did great with this first movie review! and glad you were able to get an idea from my review on description stuff. yesss, i loved what they did with Caroline Bingley's character - made her a bit more likeable with the twist they did.

Heather G. 8/10/09, 12:01 AM  

You did a fine review! I also enjoyed this movie. I even bought it before I watched it because I knew I'd like it!

Darlene 8/10/09, 10:30 AM  

I just love this movie -it's one of my favorites. I've got it reserved at the library to watch again for the Austen Challenge but it's really one I should buy for myself. Glad you liked it as well.

Margot at Joyfully Retired 8/10/09, 3:06 PM  

I'm glad you did a review of this. It's on my queue at Netflix. Not I definitely want to see it.

Heidenkind 8/10/09, 5:19 PM  

I loooooooooved this miniseries. At first I was worried about Amanda replacing Lizzie as Darcy's love interest, but it totally worked for me. And the character of Bingly is absolutely great here!

M. Denise C. 8/10/09, 9:30 PM  

I loved, loved, loved this series. I watched it on PBS and then I think on Ovation TV. All of the actors were great! Thanks for reminding me to rent it from Netflix!

Belle 8/11/09, 1:14 PM  

I want to watch this one - and I haven't watched the mini-series of P&P with Colin Firth yet, either. That one's also on my list.

Anonymous,  8/13/09, 11:18 AM  

A great first movie review. I hope to see this after I've finished P&P.

Anonymous,  8/13/09, 11:18 AM  

A great first movie review. I hope to see this after I've finished P&P.

S. Krishna 8/13/09, 10:03 PM  

I thought the best parts of this movie were the way Amanda's actions changed the P&P storyline! Nice review!

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