18 September 2009

BBAW: Goals, My TBR, and Giveaway

It's the last day of BBAW! Today's post prompt was to discuss goals. One of my goals is to read through my TBR piles. And in a crazy mix of a popular meme and an invitation from BBAW to photograph our books, here is . . .

My Life in the TBR

Describe yourself. Lacemakers of Glenmara
How do you feel? Among the Mad
Describe where you currently live. Drawing in the Dust
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Winter in Thrush Green
Your favorite form of transport? In Hovering Flight
Your best friend is _____. The Mapmaker's Wife
You and your friends are _____. Sometimes We're always Real Same-Same
What’s the weather like? Ice Land
Favorite time of day? Waking up in Eden
If only your life were a ____. Fragile Eternity
What is life to you? Atlas of Unknowns
Your fear _____. Cheating at Solitare
What is the best advice you have to give? Trust Me
Thought for the day. To Catch the Lightning
How would you like to die? After Many a Summer
Your soul's present condition. How Sweet It Is
Your spouse or significant other. The Greatest Knight


Today I'm giving away two ARCs, each from a different genre. The first is Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall and the second is New Stories for the South 2009, edited my Madison Smartt Bell. To win these two ARCs, all you have to do is leave a comment here telling me (1) your email address and (2) a genre that you almost never read. If your comment is missing this information, I can't count your entry. This giveaway is open all week, and I'll pick a winner (via random.org) on Saturday, September 19 soon after I turn on my computer. There is still time to enter my giveaways from earlier in the week.


Alice 9/18/09, 6:33 AM  

Hi Beth, I think I'm addicted to your blog. LOL!

I love the answers to those questions/meme. My goal would be to whittle down my TBR also. It's getting out of control. I also need to post more book reviews on my blog because I'm really slacking in that respect. I blame it on photography and outings! Haha!

Unknown 9/18/09, 7:12 AM  

It is nice to see your TBR!

I don't want to win either of those books, so I'll fail to comply with your requirements! I'm not sure why, but they both fail to grab me - have you read them?

I never read poetry though!

SFP 9/18/09, 7:22 AM  

I'd like a chance to win the New Stories from the South--I love short stories, particularly Southern ones, and Madison Smartt Bell himself!

I rarely read from the romance genre.

My contact info:
pagesturned (at) carolina (dot) rro (dot) com

JoAnn 9/18/09, 7:43 AM  

I'd love to win New Stories From the South. I've been reading more short stories lately, but rarely read science fiction.
JQSteve (at) aol (dot)com

Melody 9/18/09, 9:06 AM  

Love your answers!
I'm enjoying viewing everyone's TBR piles! :P

Shawntele 9/18/09, 9:14 AM  

A goal of reading through TBR piles...I have had that goal for years!! lol I rarely read mysteries or science fiction.


Meghan 9/18/09, 9:14 AM  

I really like the way you did the meme by including books from your TBR pile! I just read The Lacemakers of Glenmara and I was thinking about you as I read it, wondering if you had yet. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think when you get around to it! =)

Beth F 9/18/09, 9:32 AM  

Note that the winner of this giveaway gets both books!

holdenj 9/18/09, 9:47 AM  

I almost never read science fiction. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Anastasia @ Here There Be Books 9/18/09, 10:32 AM  

If I don't win these books I'm going to have to get them some other way, because they look so good!


My email is herebebooks at gmail dot com

Beth,  9/18/09, 10:53 AM  

Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me for Dreams of the Dead. I almost never read Non fiction and short stories.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Lindsay Frost 9/18/09, 11:04 AM  

I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D:D:D
I never read Poetry.


gautami tripathy 9/18/09, 11:17 AM  

Reading through my TBR pile is never going to happen for me. Thats becos it keeps getting larger!

BBAW: Do I drop from the sky or touch it?

Dorte H 9/18/09, 11:55 AM  

I enjoyed your answers to the meme very much, especially ´how would you like to die´:D

I´d love to win your ARCs.
My e-mail address:
do.hu.ja (at) mail.tele.dk

A genre I almost never read:

Kim (Sophisticated Dorkiness) 9/18/09, 12:20 PM  

I pretty much never read chick lit. I used to to, but now it all seems sort of fake and it annoys me.

So, enter me!

sophisticated.dorkiness at gmail.com

Anonymous,  9/18/09, 12:26 PM  

I would love to win these books. Please count me in.

The genre I pretty much never read is memoirs. I love nonfiction and biographies but not personal memoirs.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks 9/18/09, 1:00 PM  

"Drawing in the dust!" LOL!

I DO NOT read Vampire books (can we still be friends?!)

dawn [at]sheistoofondofbooks [dot] com

bermudaonion 9/18/09, 1:05 PM  

For a second there, I thought that was your whole TBR pile. I don't read romance. milou2ster(at)gmail.com

Beleth 9/18/09, 1:34 PM  

Count me in for New Stories for the South 2009.
I almost never read historical novels, i just dont like them.


battyaboutbats at gmail.com

Kailana 9/18/09, 2:07 PM  

I enjoyed the inclusion of a picture with the meme. Good idea. :)

Jonnie (JB) 9/18/09, 2:09 PM  

I alomost nevread suspense/mystery. I find it hard to sleep at night after I read that type of book.

Nise' 9/18/09, 2:11 PM  

My goal is always to read through my TBR pile, but I have yet to learn how to stop adding to it! LOL

ikkinlala 9/18/09, 2:50 PM  

I almost never read romance.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Lori L 9/18/09, 4:20 PM  

I very rarely read romance novels (even though I have recently read 2 but that was for a challenge).

mindy 9/18/09, 5:16 PM  

i very rarely read fantasy thanks for the giveaway minsthins at optonline dot net

mrsshukra 9/18/09, 5:29 PM  

I haven't read science fiction in a while! I do enjoy the SyFy channel!


MarionG 9/18/09, 5:49 PM  

Hi Love the books, would love to read them. The genre I seldom read is horror. Just want to get a good nights sleep. Cheers. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com

Mel u 9/18/09, 5:51 PM  

I almost never read post 18th century dramatic works-

my email is rereadinglives (at) gmail (dot) com

thanks for entering me in this great give away

Liyana 9/18/09, 5:53 PM  

Oooh, count me in!


Lucyinthesky,  9/18/09, 9:05 PM  

I'd love to be entered in this giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Actually there are 2 genres I seldom read but if I hit an awesome review I can be pursuaded.
Historical Romance
Spy Thrillers

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Llehn 9/18/09, 10:03 PM  

I love Christopher Golden!

I've never read historical fiction.


chocowafer 9/18/09, 11:42 PM  

Thanks for the giveaway! Hmm, I've never read Horror (I don't think I could take it. LOL.)


Beth 9/19/09, 1:10 AM  

Would love to win! I never read romance or science fiction.

Just Mom 9/19/09, 1:15 AM  

Combining the TBR shot with the meme was very creative! I do suspect, however, that there are more piles somewhere else in your house!

Anonymous,  9/19/09, 5:08 AM  

these two books look fab.

I've never read a crime thriller in my life.

Email: myflutteringheart@hotmail.com

D Q 9/19/09, 10:59 AM  

I almost never read historical novels.

Simply Stacie 9/19/09, 5:24 PM  

I never read Westerns.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

Literary Feline 9/19/09, 11:12 PM  

I think reading through your TBR pile is a great goal. I've been saying I'll do that for years now. Maybe someday I actually will. :-)

I enjoyed reading your responses to the title meme. It's so fun to see what everyone comes up with.

remarker/fcffollower 9/21/09, 12:27 PM  

I almost never read historical romance

remarkers at hotmail dot com

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