15 September 2009

BBAW: Interview Swap and Giveaway

It's the second day of BBAW! Today we are to publish our interview swaps.

I was lucky enough to be partnered with Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit for the BBAW interviews. Shanyn is one of many of us who got into blogging since the last BBAW.

If you read Shanyn's blog (like I do), then I hope I've asked her some of the questions you would have wanted to ask her. If you are just discovering Shanyn, then take a moment to get to know her.

Beth Fish Reads (BFR): You started your blog as a place to talk about women's literature. What attracts you to the genre? Why women's lit?

Chick Loves Lit (CLL): I'm actually not even sure why I love this genre. I do know that I read books that are light hearted (usually) so that I don't have that deep unsettled feeling in my waking life (when I take a time out to read a Jodi Picoult novel, I think about it all day and it usually makes me slightly upset because of the subject matter). I graduated from college with an advertising/graphic design degree, so I enjoy reading about those types of careers, which are in high concentration in women's/chick literature. I also love watching a love story unfold. Not to mention women's literature is really easy to find in book stores and libraries because of the color schemes the book covers are generally in. So I guess I've described why in a roundabout way, but I still haven't convinced myself that I've completely covered the question, though I'm not sure I can.

BFF: I don't read a lot of chick-lit or women's literature, what would you recommend as a couple of good gateway novels and why?

CLL: As I sit here and try to answer this question, I keep typing suggestions and then rethinking them and picking new ones - the reason for that is that I love many chick lit novels, but usually for different reasons. I love Jennifer Weiner's Good in Bed and the follow-up Certain Girls because I really love the characters and the books aren't predictable. I also love Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series because it IS so light. I guess my biggest recommendation is to not overlook a book because it might be classified as chick lit -- it's a classification that gets a bad rep because people automatically assume it's pink girl power romance -- some of them are, but there really is a lot more to the genre. If you're seriously interested in a good chick lit book, let me know and I will go through what you've read and liked recently and make a recommendation based on that -- this goes for anyone. There are a lot of good books that get buried because they get this classification and I wish it wasn't so.

BFR: I noticed that you read a lot of series. When you find a series you love, do you read it all at once or do you spread the novels out? Why?

CLL: Generally with series I freak and read many in a row in the beginning, and then start to space them out. For example, with Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, I read books 1-7 all in a row, and now am taking my time with the rest. Same goes with Charlaine Harris and her Southern Vampire series -- I read the first 4 very quickly and have decided to space them out. I read the next one when my craving for that particular series makes it hard for me to read another book.

BFR: What is your favorite series that you read this year?

CLL: It has actually surprised me that I have loved the Southern Vampire series so much. I've read Twilight etc., but never really stuck with the vampire theme after that. On one of the forums I read, everyone was raving about Charlaine Harris and I decided to give it a try, not really expecting much, but I've really loved every single one that I've read. It's made me consider other vampire novels, but I'm not sure when I'll decide to read another.

BFR: You are a relatively new blogger. What surprised you most about the experience of blogging?

CLL: I had no idea there were so many bloggers. I follow quite a few with Google Reader, but I keep finding more and more and more. It's literally never ending, and that makes it fun because there are always new ideas that improve the community.

BFR: Quick questions.

Hardback or paperback? Paperback

Buy your own copy or borrow from the library? If money were no object, buy -- for now, library

Print or audio? Print (I've never listened to an audio book)

Good characters or good plot? Characters!

Thanks, Shanyn. It's been a lot of fun to get to know you a bit better. As soon as I recover from BBAW, I plan to ask you to choose a book for me in the women's lit genre. Shanyn has make an incredibly generous offer, so I hope some of you take her up on it! Now if only I can con convince her to try an audiobook!

Shanyn asked me some great questions, so I hope you go over to Chick Loves Lit and read my answers.


I have a giveaway every day this week. The winner of today's giveaway will get two finished books that I think Shanyn would like: Cutting Loose by Nadine Dajani and Love Is a Four-Letter Word edited by Michael Taeckens. To win these two books, all you have to do is leave a comment here telling me (1) your email address and (2) the title and author of women's lit or chick lit book you've read and liked or wish to read. If your comment is missing this information, I can't count your entry. This giveaway is open all week and I'll pick a winner (via random.org) on Saturday, September 19 soon after I turn on my computer. There is still time to enter yesterday's giveaway, too.


KiraR 9/15/09, 7:28 AM  

Count me in!

I just finished reading Enchanted Inc. by Shanna Swendson. It's a cute chick lit book about a woman in New York working as an admin, but with a paranormal twist.


scottsgal 9/15/09, 8:08 AM  

I'm reading Mating Rituals of the North American WASP - total chick lit - very cute too

msboatgal at aol.com

chocowafer 9/15/09, 9:44 AM  

Count me in!

Well, I really loved the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. You can't get any more chick lit than that! :p


Sandy Nawrot 9/15/09, 9:46 AM  

Great interview! I don't read alot of this genre, but when I do, I have a ball. She is right about the Jodi Piccoult...I usually feel sick while I'm reading those books, then want to jump off the top of a tall building. Anyway, despite the lack of chick lit in my library, I AM scheduled to read The Mating Rituals of the N.A. WASP as my next Random Reading Challenge book. Looking forward to it! rnawrot at cfl dot rr dot com

Shawntele 9/15/09, 9:57 AM  

I don't get to read chick lit as often as I would like but one author I particular enjoy is Emily Giffin, Something Borrowed and Something Blue are two of my favorite books of hers. My email is savedbygrace7215(at)yahoo(dot)com

Beth,  9/15/09, 10:39 AM  

Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. I just finished My Husband's Sweetheards.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

gautami tripathy 9/15/09, 10:43 AM  

Thanks for the interview. I don't read the genre but enjoyed it very much.

BBAW: Interviewing myself

Meghan 9/15/09, 11:21 AM  

I feel like there are more bloggers every day! Book blogging has exploded this year.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this interview. I don't read much chick lit - I prefer my light stuff in a historical setting and most of it seems contemporary - but I do look forward to the suggestions I'm going to get from Shanyn in the future!

Anonymous,  9/15/09, 11:39 AM  

Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.

I really liked Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.


bermudaonion 9/15/09, 11:44 AM  

Great interview! I love your quick questions! I'm like Shanyn - I had no idea there were so many bloggers when I started my blog. No need to enter me.

Anonymous,  9/15/09, 12:04 PM  

Swapping Lives by Jane Green was a good read and actually had a bit more character growth than some of this genre. bookwormld (at) gmail (dot) com

TexasRed 9/15/09, 12:16 PM  

Great interview!

I'd recommend "Rachel's Holiday" by Marian Keyes. You start out the book reading about Rachel's life from her point of view & how unreasonable everyone around her is being, but by the end, you (and Rachel) have a very different understanding of her world.

Amber 9/15/09, 12:51 PM  

I'm a big fan of Jennifer Weiner although I never really thought of her as chick lit. My husband introduced me to her work since she doesn't have stereotypical characters.

amber at amberstults.com

mrsshukra 9/15/09, 2:00 PM  

Mating Rituals of the North American Wasp by Lauren Lipton!


Unknown 9/15/09, 2:03 PM  

Please enter me. christinegordonmanley[at]yahoo[dot]ca

Remember Me? by Sophia Kinsella had me turning pages at warp speed.

avisannschild 9/15/09, 3:04 PM  

Great interview! I may have to take up Shanyn on her offer too.

I really enjoyed Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner and I own the sequel, although I haven't read it yet.

Please enter me in the giveaway!


Blodeuedd 9/15/09, 3:21 PM  

I love chick-lit so I am in, best one ever is so Bridget Jones Diary by Helen Fielding

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

Emily 9/15/09, 3:30 PM  

emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com

I love anything by Meg Cabot! Her books are so enjoyable and fun!

rubynreba 9/15/09, 4:12 PM  

I like Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts.

Alyce 9/15/09, 4:38 PM  

I liked Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Marjorie 9/15/09, 5:07 PM  

Lovely interview, thank you - and I agree about audiobooks!

holdenj 9/15/09, 5:32 PM  

I would recommend Thanks for the Memories, by Cecelia Ahern.



Marie 9/15/09, 8:11 PM  

I really liked Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center -- it was so good!


Veens 9/15/09, 8:18 PM  

Well dnt worry CLL - I also have no idea why i like to read chick lit once in a while!!!!!

well last chick lit nook i remember liking is - Just Listen by Sarah Dessen!

Veens 9/15/09, 8:19 PM  

sorry !
givingreadinachance AT gmail.com


Literate Housewife 9/15/09, 8:29 PM  

What a nice interview. I like the way that Shanyn has found books she loves and sticks with them. I haven't read those Jennifer Weiner books before. I'll have to check them out. This is the second time I've come across Good In Bed tonight.

I really liked Jemima J by Jane Green. It was a great, light read.

L 9/15/09, 8:51 PM  

I'm part way through Mating Rituals of the North American WASP and it's really good so far.


mariag 9/15/09, 8:54 PM  

I am reading Holly's Inbox.
Please enter me to win.

Elizabeth 9/15/09, 9:02 PM  

I'm not entering the contest, just stopping by to say I really enjoyed your interview. =)

Sara 9/15/09, 9:04 PM  

Great giveaway!

1) sosarora_11(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
2) I really like Sophie Kinsella's stand-alone books


Anonymous,  9/15/09, 9:43 PM  

no need to enter me, just wanted to say i enjoyed your interview...but no audiobooks, CLL?!?! i couldn't drive my commute each day without them! :)

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours 9/15/09, 9:44 PM  

great interview, though I agree Shanyn needs to try audio books :)

(no need to enter me in the contest)

Anonymous,  9/15/09, 10:06 PM  

Great interview! I am currently reading Barbara Delinksy's latest, While My Sister Sleeps. I would consider Delinsky women's lit, but not this particular book. I am enjoying the serious tone and story.
stacybooks at yahoo

Anonymous,  9/15/09, 10:09 PM  

Ditto on the audiobooks...I never thought I'd like them either, but they make the drive to work bearable!

Unknown 9/15/09, 10:57 PM  

This was a good interview. I like chic-lit books when I'm tired & not feeling well, when I am at the beach or just because sometimes I feel like reading one!
I recently read Shopoholic and Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella and it was very good!

Thank you for your giveaway!


Nicole (Linus's Blanket) 9/15/09, 10:59 PM  

Great interview and so funny to hear you asking someone about reading series. You are the Queen.

Anonymous,  9/16/09, 12:39 AM  

The interview was great. You did a wonderful job keeping the interview intimate and funny. My favorite chic-lit book is by Amanda Quick and her Arcane Society series. Any of these books are my favorites.

bstilwell12 at comcast dot net

Llehn 9/16/09, 5:11 AM  

I loved The Diary Of Bridget Jones by Helen Fielding!


Stitchin in the Sip 9/16/09, 9:17 AM  

I like Beach House by Jane Green.



Kaye 9/16/09, 9:22 AM  

I just finished Hollywood is Like High School with Money by Zoey Dean and enjoyed it waaaaay more than I thought I would. Funny funny book!

Please enter me in the drawing.


Pam 9/16/09, 10:47 AM  

I am looking forward to reading Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. I enjoy her chick lit!

melacan at hotmail dot com

Margot at Joyfully Retired 9/16/09, 11:13 AM  

Very good interview. I can feel her passion and defense of women's literature. (I can't bring myself to call it chick lit.) I'm a fan of the genre and also of Jennifer Weiner. I have Best Friends Forever sitting on my stack right now.

margot (dot) peck (at) gmail (dot) com

Robin M 9/16/09, 5:52 PM  

Great interview. I'm not big into chick lit, but starting to enjoy it. I also just discovered Sookie (thank you) and reading book #2. Will hop over to Shanyn blog to see your interview. :)

Nancye 9/16/09, 6:04 PM  

I just finished reading: "Sam's Letters to Jennifer" by James Patterson; and "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Piccoult (too bad the movie didn't match up to the book!!)

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Debs Desk 9/16/09, 7:32 PM  

I love Meg Cabot and Barbara Delinsky. They both have some great chick lit books. Please include me in your giveaway.

Simply Stacie 9/16/09, 9:12 PM  

I love Sophie Kinsella and Jennifer Weiner.


Lynn 9/17/09, 12:48 AM  

I'd like to read Mating Rituals of the North American WASP because I've read so many reviews of it lately. Also have read and enjoyed Kinsella and Weiner. I find that I enjoy a chicklit book very much, maybe two, but then I need to switch to something else. Thanks for the give away! lmw 6600 at gmail . com.

The Insouciant Sophisticate 9/17/09, 3:55 AM  

Thanks to earlier posters for new book suggestions!

As for me, I love Meg Cabot and Georgette Heyer.

My e-mail is stephaniefleischer889 [at] gmail [dot] com

Julie P. 9/17/09, 7:48 AM  

Great interview!

I'd love to read these two book! Ii really enjoy the Shopaholic series (or at least the earlier ones) but I think I know love Jill Mansell's books!


Michelle 9/17/09, 9:09 AM  

I love chick lit so I'm super excited to have added Chick Loves Lit to my feed reader. I'm always looking for great suggestions and thoughtful insight both of which it seems Shanyn has in spades!

Jonnie (JB) 9/17/09, 12:34 PM  

I just finished Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. It was a fun, fast read.

Holly 9/17/09, 1:51 PM  


I really liked Lust, Loathing and a Little Lipgloss by Kyra Davis.

Great giveaway Beth!

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks 9/17/09, 2:37 PM  

thanks for introducing us to Shanyn, Beth F!

These interview swaps are one of my favorite parts of BBAW :)

Unknown 9/17/09, 6:36 PM  

Loved your interview swap; I'm really enjoying reading as many as I can.
Love to win these books, too. I really liked Easy on the Eyes and Ms. Taken Identity from the chick lit I've read so far this year.
e_bogardus AT hotmail DOT com

Lucyinthesky,  9/18/09, 6:45 PM  

I would love to entered in this giveaway. I suppose one might hear a lot how much Confessions of A Shopaholic is a favorite and it also is one of mine but I also have really liked Girls In Trucks recently and just discovered that author!

espressogurl at hotmail dot com

Jessica Lawlor 9/18/09, 7:28 PM  

Definitely count me in!

jessicallawlor at gmail dot com

The best chick/women's lit book I've read recently was L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad..I loved it!

Jenn (Books At Midnight) 9/18/09, 8:03 PM  

Those books looks like fun reads; please enter me! :)
And a book I hope to read soon is The Smart One and the Pretty One by Claire LaZebNik.
Thank you!


Sheila (bookjourney) 9/18/09, 11:06 PM  

This is a great post and I picked up a new book title... :)

Alessandra 9/19/09, 6:52 AM  

Count me in, too!

I've alwayd wanted to read Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella. I had started to listen to it on audiobook, but I can never stay concentrated. It seems to have an hypnotic quality that makes me fall asleep in a matter of minutes...


N 9/19/09, 10:50 PM  

Don't count me for giveaway. But I just wanted to say nice interview. I'm still catching up with BBAW.

Literary Feline 9/19/09, 11:18 PM  

I'm slowly making my way through all the BBAW posts I've missed (can you tell? LOL). The interviews are my favorite part. I enjoy getting to know my fellow bloggers better. Shanyn is completely new to me and so thank you for the introduction, Beth!

Thanks for stopping by. I read all comments and may respond here, via e-mail, or on your blog. I visit everyone who comments, but not necessarily right away.

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