02 December 2009

On the TBR: Queste by Angie Sage

by Angie Sage is the fourth in the Septimus Heap books, which is a middle-reader fantasy series. I haven't yet read Queste, but it's in line for the next several weeks. I spotlighted Magykal Papers, another Septimus Heap book, last month and will review it in the next few days.

Here is the publisher's summary, which will probably not make much sense if you haven't read the earlier books:

There's trouble at the Castle, and it's all because Merrin Meredith has returned with Darke plans for Septimus. More trouble awaits Septimus and Jenna in the form of Tertius Fume, the ghost of the very first Chief Hermetic Scribe, who is determined to send Septimus on a deadly Queste. But Septimus and Jenna have other plans--they are headed for the mysterious House of Foryx, a place where all Time meets and the place where they fervently hope they will be able to find Nicko and Snorri, who were trapped back in time in Physik. But how will Septimus escape the Queste?

Queste, like all the books in the Septimus Heap series, is filled with nonstop action, humor, and fantastical adventure as Septimus continues his journey of Magykal self-discovery.
I discovered Septimus Heap with my niece, who was in sixth grade when Magyk, the first in the series, came out. She really loved the characters and the story and went on the read the next two novels: Flyte and Physik, as did I. Although the series focuses on a young boy, the plot is fresh and the characters are unique. The novels are definitely for middle readers, but they are fun for adults nonetheless.

Look for a spotlight and/or review later in the month or early next year.

The cover is from the 2009 HarperCollins edition. (Source: Bought; see review policy)

Queste at Powell's
Queste at Amazon
These 3 links lead to affiliate programs.

Reading at the Beach is the host for this meme: Each week she invites us to spotlight a book whose title begins with the featured letter. This week it's Q.


Kristen 12/2/09, 8:02 AM  

My 6th grade daughter just asked for Magyk (the first book in the series) for Christmas. Of course she'll be getting it. ;-) And I'll have to read it with her.

Nise' 12/2/09, 8:10 AM  

Thank for bringing this series to my attention. I have not heard of it before.

Sandy Nawrot 12/2/09, 8:26 AM  

Emma's got Magyk, but hasn't read it yet. We'll have to make that a mother/daughter project next year!

Julie P. 12/2/09, 8:39 AM  

Oooh! I wonder if Booking Daughter might like this series! She's not a big one for fantasy right now though.

Michelle 12/2/09, 8:55 AM  

I read the first book in this series and then never kept reading for some reason.. Perhaps I should get back into it.

Margot 12/2/09, 10:37 AM  

My granddaughter might be interested in this series. I'm going to forward this on to her. Thanks.

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) 12/2/09, 10:51 AM  

My cousin might like these. Of course I might like them as well.

Joyful 12/2/09, 12:55 PM  

Sounds interesting. Thanks

Anonymous,  12/2/09, 1:44 PM  

I have never heard of the series - it sounds rather cool!

Beth 12/2/09, 3:14 PM  

My kids would probably enjoy this. Here is my "Q" book.

Anonymous,  12/2/09, 3:55 PM  

I know someone who would probably love this series!

Thanks for playing!

Laurel-Rain Snow 12/2/09, 5:21 PM  

It's amazing the variety of "Q" books are out there! This one sounds intriguing.

Mine is here:


me again 12/2/09, 8:32 PM  

This looks like something my girlfriend's daughter would just LOVE....how great you posted this near Christmas!

Here's my Q book, if you want to have a peek.


Irene 12/3/09, 7:00 PM  

I too have young readers to buy for, hmm.... don't supposeMy post is here. they would mind if I read it first.

Alice 12/3/09, 10:04 PM  

I bought Magyk and hope to get into it soon... I'm glad you've enjoyed this one. :)

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