13 January 2010

Amy Einhorn Books Perpetual Challenge

Welcome to the Amy Einhorn Books Perpetual Challenge.

Have you read The Help by Kathryn Stockett? How about Jim Beaver's Life's That Way or Frahad Zama's The Marriage Bureau for Rich People? These books earned four- and five-star reviews from many sources, including book bloggers.

The other thing these books have in common is that they were published under the Putnam imprint Amy Einhorn Books. And that's what this perpetual challenge is all about: reading through the imprint.

The Amy Einhorn Books challenge was born on Twitter (where all evil occurs) and was inspired by (in no particular order) Swapna from S. Krishna's Books, Trish from Hey Lady! Whatcha Reading?, Jenn from Jenn's Bookshelves, Jen from Devourer of Books, Amy from My Friend Amy, Dawn from She Is Too Fond of Books, Nicole from Linus's Blanket, and several other enthusiastic bloggers.

Currently, there are sixteen Amy Einhorn titles (covers shown in the fabulous button made by Jenn):

Published in 2009

  • Bad Things Happen by Harry Dolan
  • The Help by Kathryn Stockett
  • I'm Sorry You Feel That Way: The Astonishing but True Story of a Daughter, Sister, Slut, Wife, Mother, and Friend to Man and Dog by Diana Joseph
  • The Kingdom of Ohio by Matthew Flaming
  • Life's That Way: A Memoir by Jim Beaver
  • The Marriage Bureau for Rich People by Farahad Zama
  • Remedies by Kate Ledger
  • Ten Degrees of Reckoning: The True Story of a Family's Love and the Will to Survive by Hester Rumberg
Published in 2010
  • The Book of Awesome: Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket, and Other Simple, Brilliant Things by Neil Pasricha
  • The Gendarme by Mark Mustian
  • The House of Tomorrow by Peter Bognanni
  • The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees
  • My Wife's Affair by Nancy Woodruff
  • The Postmistress by Sarah Blake
  • This Is Not The Story You Think It Is: A Season of Unlikely Happiness by Laura Munson
  • Where's My Wand?: One Boy's Magical Triumph over Alienation and Shag Carpeting by Eric Poole
The Challenge
  • Sign up via Mr. Linky here. You do not need to have a blog to join. If you don't have a blog, use the URL to this post in the URL box.
  • Read through the Amy Einhorn Books imprint in any order you'd like.
  • Read the books in any medium (print, eBook, audio).
  • Pages for linking your reviews will be found via the AE Challenge tab under my banner photo. There are two pages, one for 2009 books and one for 2010 books. Be sure to link up your reviews of the books you've already read.
  • The Twitter hashtag is #amyeinhorn.
  • There are no time limits.
  • EDIT: There is no need to publish a sign-up post, but I hope you mention the challenge when you read an AE book or perhaps in a Sunday Salon post.
I hope you decide to join this no-pressure challenge. Use the link pages to find out who else has read the book you just finished. Need to discuss a particular issue? Can't understand what the hype was about? Use the link pages as a gateway for finding other readers and other opinions.

FTC: I have no vested interest in Amy Einhorn Books (see also my review policy).


Jill 1/13/10, 10:20 AM  

What a great idea!

The Bumbles 1/13/10, 12:01 PM  

I'll talk about The Help with any person any time.

Haven't seen this concept in a challenge before - nice idea.

And thanks for reminding me I need to go visit Jenn - haven't made my way over there in weeks ;0(

trish 1/13/10, 12:44 PM  

I love the button! I'm really excited for this challenge!

Julie P. 1/13/10, 1:25 PM  

Sounds like a great one!

mcnees 1/13/10, 2:22 PM  

Looks very cool! I noticed, though, that there is a typo in your graphic. The "s" is missing in the address -- it reads "bfishread" instead of "bfishreads".

Good luck with the challenge!

Beth F 1/13/10, 2:30 PM  

mcnees: THANKS!! I'll redo the button tonight.

nat @book, line, and sinker 1/13/10, 6:19 PM  

great idea for a challenge! i have yet to join one and never though of reading through an imprint! clever, clever.

i read and loved 'the help' and gave it as a gift this season. i also recommend it freely to anyone who'll listen. i love southern lit...must be the yankee in me.

Carrie K. 1/14/10, 12:34 AM  

I am definitely joining this one! I love that it's perpetual - no deadline. I will be putting together a post soon and link it to Mr. Linky.

Gayla 1/14/10, 1:04 AM  

I'm definitely doing this challenge. And I love the way you set this all up......relaxed and no pressure...FUN! Since I blew it badly with Bloggiesta (family & issues)I'm really looking forward to this.
All of these books sound amazing and I'm a huge fan of Kathryn Stockett and Farahad Zama.

Thanks for for the great challenge!

Jackie (Farm Lane Books) 1/14/10, 7:00 AM  

Is it wrong to ask who Amy Einhorn is? I've never heard of her. It does look like a great selection of books though, so I hope you enjoy reading them.

bermudaonion 1/14/10, 1:56 PM  

I've only read one of these books, but I'll give it a shot since it's a perpetual challenge.

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks 1/17/10, 8:04 AM  

Yay - I'm linked in! Let the reading commence :)

Sandy Nawrot 1/17/10, 8:57 AM  

I don't see any downside here. I must partake!

Kelly 1/18/10, 6:46 PM  

10 Degrees of Reckoning is a bargain book at Amazon now for $4. Life's That Way is also a bargain book, but is a little less than $10. I should be getting my copies of both tomorrow. :)


Bonnie 1/25/10, 11:47 AM  

I've decided to join the challenge, the Amy Einhorn guest post helped sway me! I've only read The Help and it was a favorite book of mine from 2009 so I know she has great taste in books!

Kathryn Stockett,  1/29/10, 2:01 PM  

Hey! Kathryn Stockett here, author of The Help.
I am so excited that you're honoring Amy Einhorn with your challenge. She is such an insightful editor. I say it to my husband all the time: "I am so lucky to be with Amy Einhorn. Oh-and you too, sweetie."

I hope you will add Diana Joseph's book: I'm Sorry You Feel That Way, published by Amy in March, 2009. It is funny and smart and received GREAT reviews. You definitely don't want to miss that one on Amy's list.

I wish I was reading them all over again for the first time.

Kathryn Stockett

Margot 1/29/10, 6:40 PM  

Out of all the books listed I've only read one, The Postmustress. I was disappointed in it but your review of Bad Things Happen made me think that perhaps I was judging the whole imprint by one book. I'm going to try a few more of these books.

(Diane) bookchickdi 3/9/10, 8:26 AM  

I got to meet Sarah Blake and Amy Einhorn last night at Barnes & Noble 86th St. store in NYC. It was such an honor and I enjoyed the reading a great deal. (Also got to meet Carol from BookReporter.com- what a night!)

THE POSTMISTRESS is leaving me breathless. I can't wait to finish it; I'm definitely a Frankiephile as Sarah wrote in my book.

Amy Einhorn is a rock star in publishing! I read THE HELP the week it published, and I read and reviewed Diana Joseph's book last year- so funny.

I can't wait to dive into this challenge.


Anonymous,  3/25/10, 6:14 PM  

I'm new to the blogging world and this "challenge" looks like it's right up my alley. Thanks!

Donna 4/5/10, 2:21 PM  

I just finished "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett...WOW! I am excited to read more fantastic books! Thank you! God Bless, Donna

Jen at Introverted Reader 4/12/10, 9:18 AM  

I'm so glad I found this challenge! I'd been thinking about this anyway after giving 5 stars to both The Help and The Postmistress, but this will give me the push I need to actually do it.

Kristen @ Daemon's Books 4/21/10, 10:00 AM  

I really love some of these books (especially The Help and Bad Things Happen) so I think I need to join this challenge. The Postmistress didn't quite live up to my expectations, but I'm still anxious to read more Amy Einhorn books.

Great idea for a challenge!

(Diane) bookchickdi 5/21/10, 3:28 PM  

I just posted my review for THE PSOTMISTRESS. I'm a Frankiephile!

Tea 5/22/10, 5:05 AM  

Hi Amy,

I'm going to enjoy this challenge. Thanks for mentioning it on Twitter. I'm glad it's perpetual. In case, I need that "no pressure" option.

JJEH 6/9/10, 9:26 PM  

I am very excited, nervous, anxious to join and participate in this reading adventure. I'm almost finished with The Help - my book 1. I read, read, read so anxious to finish a book and then sad when I finally finish it because it's over. Onward . . . .

Marg 6/12/10, 8:05 PM  

I've been thinking about joining this for a while now, but the decision has now been made!

My sign up post will be up later this week.

rebecca 6/13/10, 11:55 PM  

Always looking for more great books! The Help is my favorite book I've read in the last year! I just finished The Postmistress - hmmmm, it was okay.

JJEH 6/20/10, 2:41 PM  

I am on book 2 of this challenge.
I'm currently reading The Marriage Bureau for Rich People - very unique and interesting book. I'm always interested in hearing and learning the rules that women have to live by in other countries and hate that they have to do so. Of course then there wouldn't be a book so -.
My book 1 was The Help and I was very impressed. I really wanted to meet the women. I was so "into" the book that I couldn't put it down yet I hated to finish it.

Tea 6/21/10, 5:44 PM  

I haven't started this challenge. I really want to read The Help. The other book, I'll bet, is good too. I want to read The Post Mistress. I think that one is on the list.

JJEH 6/21/10, 7:57 PM  

I finished reading The Marriage Bureau for Rich People yesterday - loved it!
Tea, I think I'm going to order The Post Mistress and read that after I read I'm Sorry You Feel That Way: . . . (I just received this one in the mail so -).
The Post Mistress looks good too. When I was ordering the book from Amazon.com they had a piece of Kathryn Stockett interviewing Sarah Blake - it was interesting.

Novel Chatter 7/30/10, 5:16 PM  

This is such a brilliant idea! I wish I thought of it!

Unknown 8/2/10, 8:33 PM  

I *just* said to my sister, "I'm finding a lot of great books are coming from Amy Einhorn!" of COURSE you would be hosting a challenge! Great idea!

Tea,  8/4/10, 8:35 AM  

I am just starting to shape up and get right. I did read The Lost Summer...which I loved.

Eleanor Brown 8/8/10, 8:47 PM  

Can I join the challenge on my own imprint?

I'm in! :)

Cynthia Bates Fitzsimmons 8/23/10, 3:35 PM  

Thanks for the challenge. I am reading Bad Things Happen.

Christine Lacy,  9/10/10, 5:56 AM  

What a wonderful idea! I have just read "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I couldn't put it down! I can't wait to read more on your list.

Jennifer 10/14/10, 11:18 AM  

I just got done reading The Help, by Kathryn Stockett. Wow!!! I could not put it down. It was one of those books that I could stop reading and yet I was dreading the end coming, then what? Its almost like having been on a wonderful vacation adn then coming back home and missing everyone you got to know and love. I cannot remember a book I loved more, really. It seems like this is the kind of book that comes along only once in a great while...I will be anxious to read some of the others on this list.

Unknown 12/9/10, 10:53 AM  

I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Loved the book. Made me want to cry but made me laugh. I have been talking about the book with people who have read it and recommending it to people. I am so looking forward to the challenge and having more books to read!

Anonymous,  1/19/11, 11:26 AM  

I just posted brief reviews of two AE Books coming out tomorrow. The Weird Sisters and You Know When the Men are Gone were both fantastic!

Janet,  1/27/11, 12:05 PM  

I just saw this thanks to Eleanor Brown's site and have to join in. I admit to not knowing Amy Einhorn was behind so many of the books I've loved so of course I want to read them all now! Thanks for the great idea!

Sally 2/24/11, 7:09 PM  

Just read "The Help" and I LOVED it! I am very new to the blogging world and have recently decided to take on the challenge of reading 50 books in 50 weeks. "The Help" was my very first review and I was blown away, I will definitely be looking for more Amy Einhorn books to include on my journey!
Please check it out:

Lauren M 5/5/11, 7:09 PM  

haHA! This is fabulous. If all of these are as phenomenal as The Help, then I'm in for a fantastic summer. So excited.

Unknown 5/16/11, 4:57 PM  

Excited to start! I love to read!

Anonymous,  5/26/11, 1:58 PM  

I just discovered this blog and am absolutely accepting the challenge. This might just be my calling to blog too. Reading The Help right now and loving it. Thank you Kathryn Stockett for writing it and here I go on the reading train.

Sarah,  5/30/11, 1:27 PM  

Just finished The Help, which was the best book I have read in a very long time. Looking forward to checking out the other recommended titles

Anonymous,  6/7/11, 7:18 PM  

What a great idea this is! I needed my daughter to help me get started as she is so technically savvy and I know enough to be dangerous!

Just finished The Help....love, love, loved it! Now starting The Postmistress.

Happy reading everyone!

Anonymous,  6/18/11, 2:38 PM  

I might be a little late in the game BUT I just finished The Help and am so glad I found this challenge :)

Starting Bad Things Happen now


Jodel 6/23/11, 12:58 PM  

I have just finished readying "The Help" and wanted the story to continue on. This book was recommended to me by another book reader as I was searching for a new book at a Costco. So very glad I took her recommendation.....Thank you Kathryn for writing this book.

Anonymous,  7/8/11, 4:48 PM  

My sister gave me "The Help" last month and I loved it. I just stumbled upon Eleanor Brown's novel, "The Weird Sisters" at the library and devoured it yesterday. I noticed after reading it that it was published by Amy Einhorn and decided that I'd just stick with her books. Thanks for putting the Perpetual Challenge together. I think I'll take Kathryn Stockett's advice and read Diana Joseph's book, "I'm Sorry You Feel That Way" next.

Unknown 7/12/11, 11:16 PM  

Just finished the book The Help! Loved it! Felt like I was back in Jackson walking the streets with my friends again! What a blast from the past!

Kim,  8/7/11, 6:22 PM  

I have just finished reading The Help. It is the best book I have written in years. I highly reccomend this book to anyone wanting a good story to read

ari 8/17/11, 2:39 AM  

I'm in! This is such a great idea!

Tanya,  8/21/11, 1:57 PM  

Love this concept. I read The Help last year and thought it was one of the best books I've read in a long time.

Anonymous,  12/10/11, 10:06 PM  

Ooops. Please delete EKRV from your list.

Anonymous,  1/29/12, 11:48 AM  

My son gifted me The Help for Christmas this year. I read it while in Florida this passed week....I did not want it to end. DID Minny leave Leroy? What did she have? Did Aibileen go on to work for the newspaper? Did Skeeter ever see Stuart again? So many unanswered questions, :). Loved, loved, loved the book. Thank you Kathryn Stockett for writing such an amazing book.

Next recommendation came to me was Weird Sisters. I think that will be my next book. I look forward to the Challenge. I'd like to read a book a week.


grammajudyb 2/27/12, 1:11 PM  

I am new to blogging and challenges, but have signed up for the Whats In A Name 5 and so far have enjoyed a place to talk about recent reads. I so enjoyed The Help that I am anxious to read other imprint titles.

jen.,  4/2/12, 8:23 PM  

this is awesome!

Amber 4/13/12, 8:17 AM  

I am super excited to try this challange. I just started a book blog not to long ago and have a lot of friends who will also be excited by this list! I read The Help and enjoyed it so I cannot wait to read the others!

Amber 4/13/12, 8:20 AM  

Sorry I ended up signing up twice! You can take my name of the second time! Sorry about that.

Darlene 5/14/12, 9:08 PM  

I'm so happy to have found this challenge! I have a few Amy Einhorn books on my TBR list!!

Thanks for hosting!

Towsoner 6/3/13, 3:36 PM  

I really hoping that this is still an active challenge. I'm lookink forward to reading some of these.

Anonymous,  7/4/13, 6:56 PM  

This is great! I added a page to track the list with a link to you and will link in my reviews. Thank you.

Gail Tilton 7/10/13, 1:11 AM  

Looking forward to reading more books on the Amy Einhorn list. I know I'll find lots of great books for my book group. Thanks for hosting!

Charger Girl 11/18/13, 12:07 PM  

I decided on my own to read every book Amy Einhorn has published and then to my delight I saw this challenge. Amy is amazing. So far I've read the Help, The Gods of Gotham, Seven for a Secret, Jujitusu Rabbi and the Goddess Blonde, Let's Pretend this Never Happened, The Weird Sisters, The Book of Awesome, and The Postmistress- enjoyed all and loved some. I think the Gods of Gotham and Seven for a Secret are my favorites so far. Kathy Albergotti

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