06 April 2010

Today's Read: The Founding by Cynthia Harrod Eagles

I know I'm an orphan and my noble blood runs thin, but I never expected my guardian would marry me to a mere sheep farmer. They say the boy can read, and he looks kind enough, but I think he's more a dancer than a solider. Is it wrong to dream of my Richard? Well, if I can't be a Plantagenet, at least I will be living in York . . . in (I shudder to think) a farmhouse. I know I should be grateful, but I feel my dreams have been shattered.

—For more Where Are You? answers, visit Raidergirl3 at An Adventure in Reading. (Text by me, based on today's read.)

MizB at Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesdays. Here's how it works: Grab your current read; let the book fall open to a random page; and share two "teaser" sentences from that page. For more teasers, click on through to MizB's blog.

She was moving out of his sphere forever, and if she ever saw him again, it would not be as before, privileged to speak to him and be spoken to by him. If she saw him again, it would be as one of the crowd who lined the road to watch as he passed with his retinue, one of the crowd on whom the dust of his passing fell. (p. 23)
—From The Founding by Cynthia Harrod Eagles (Source: Review copy, see review policy)

The Founding at Powell's
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Marg 4/6/10, 5:46 AM  

I really enjoyed this book when I read it, and I keep on meaning to read more books from the series!

My teaser is here

Jan von Harz 4/6/10, 5:46 AM  

How very sad to fall in love with someone outside your station. Love the writing style. Enjoy!

Kaye 4/6/10, 6:20 AM  

Great teaser. I have to read this one soon. I hope you are enjoying the book. Mine is from The Seventh Witch and can be found here

Julie P. 4/6/10, 6:59 AM  

I am anxious to hear what you think. This book sounds like one that I'd enjoy.

Teresa 4/6/10, 7:17 AM  

I'm excited to see you're reading this. I'm about halfway through the series (reading one book a month) and it gets better as it goes. I'm hoping the new Sourcebooks release gets the series the attention it deserves.

Whitney 4/6/10, 8:46 AM  

Excellent teaser!

kayerj 4/6/10, 10:09 AM  

I love the style of writing in this teaser. thanks for sharing.

Kaye-the road goes ever ever on

Passages to the Past 4/6/10, 11:34 AM  

I recently read this book and really enjoyed it! Eleanor is no wall-flower, that's for sure!

I really need to get to the other 33 in the series ;-) So little time, so many books, right?!

Sherrie 4/6/10, 12:00 PM  

Hi Beth,
Sounds like a great book. I'll have to add this one to my TBR list. Have a great day!

Just Books

Anonymous,  4/6/10, 12:24 PM  

She sounds so sad. I hope it has a happy ending.

Dorte H 4/6/10, 1:52 PM  

I like the sound of this one!

I am on a remote island with puffins, and there are certainly also some modern-day farmers.

Amy 4/6/10, 2:13 PM  

This one sounds lovely. Good teaser.

Phyl 4/6/10, 2:45 PM  

Wow, this actually sounds really sad. I hope it's a good book. It's certainly an intriguing teaser!

My own teaser is at Bookishgal.

Nise' 4/6/10, 2:57 PM  

Sounds like a good one. I have not read Cynthia in a long time.

Sandy Nawrot 4/6/10, 3:22 PM  

Unrequited love! It softens my black little heart!

Violet 4/6/10, 7:02 PM  

Fantastic teaser! Love that last line ".. on whom the dust of his passing fell." I will have to look for this series.

My teaser is here --> The Eager Readers

Darlene 4/6/10, 7:19 PM  

Great teaser. I wish I had gotten this one to read. It sounds like such a great book.

Anonymous,  4/6/10, 7:22 PM  

Great teaser! I haven't read any of the series.

The Tome Traveller 4/6/10, 9:58 PM  

This is my favorite HF series. Very favorite, top of the list. They get better as they go...I think she is on #37 now. Hope you enjoy it! See you next month at BEA?


Whitney 4/6/10, 11:10 PM  

I have an award for you!

Veens 4/7/10, 6:18 AM  

This sounds like a great read!

Heather 4/7/10, 8:12 AM  

I've always wanted to try Cythnia Harrod-Eagles. Her books sound so good! I hope you enjoy it!

Book Sake 4/7/10, 2:50 PM  

From the teaser it sounds like a well written book. Thanks for sharing.

Kristen 4/7/10, 8:56 PM  

I have had this one in my tbr stacks for years (literally). Thanks for the reminder that it's there and still sounds good!

Alice 4/25/10, 6:30 AM  

Great teaser, Beth!

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