Imprint Friday: A Good American by Alex George
Welcome to Imprint Friday and today's featured imprint: Amy Einhorn Books. Stop by each week to be introduced to a must-read title from one of my favorite imprints. I know you'll be adding many of these books to your wish list.
From the very first line ("Always, there was music") to the very last, Alex George's A Good American had my heart in its hands. It still does.
Here's the publisher's summary.
An uplifting novel about the families we create and the places we call home.All Americans (except Native Americans) were once immigrants. For some of us, the path to becoming a good American is still fresh, is still told at family gatherings. We have black-and-white photos of grandparents and great-aunts—hand over heart, posed in front of a flag—taken on the day of their citizenship. Alex George's A Good American is their story . . . and our story.
It is 1904. When Frederick and Jette must flee her disapproving mother, where better to go than America, the land of the new? Originally set to board a boat to New York, at the last minute, they take one destined for New Orleans instead ("What's the difference? They're both new"), and later find themselves, more by chance than by design, in the small town of Beatrice, Missouri. Not speaking a word of English, they embark on their new life together.
Beatrice is populated with unforgettable characters: a jazz trumpeter from the Big Easy who cooks a mean gumbo, a teenage boy trapped in the body of a giant, a pretty schoolteacher who helps the young men in town learn about a lot more than just music, a minister who believes he has witnessed the Second Coming of Christ, and a malevolent, bicycle-riding dwarf.
A Good American is narrated by Frederick and Jette's grandson, James, who, in telling his ancestors' story, comes to realize he doesn't know his own story at all. From bare-knuckle prizefighting and Prohibition to sweet barbershop harmonies, the Kennedy assassination, and beyond, James's family is caught up in the sweep of history. Each new generation discovers afresh what it means to be an American. And, in the process, Frederick and Jette's progeny sometimes discover more about themselves than they had bargained for.
Poignant, funny, and heartbreaking, A Good American is a novel about being an outsider-in your country, in your hometown, and sometimes even in your own family. It is a universal story about our search for home.
George has crafted the near-perfect novel. It's an immensely emotional tale in which the characters become a part of your life. You cry over the Meisenheimer family's tragedies, you chuckle at their foibles, and you are shocked at their secrets. You want to eat in the family's restaurant (speakeasy, diner), and you want to listen to their music (jazz, blues, jukebox). In fact, you already know the Meisenheimers because A Good American is the true story of our country in the twentieth century. It's about the journey from Europe to the United States, from being poor to doing okay, from being constrained by old ways to having the freedom to choose.
A Good American is likely the best book I'll read in 2012. Don't just take my word, here are some other opinions (click for the full reviews):
- Publishers Weekly: "[George] evokes small-town life lovingly, sometimes disturbingly, and examines the ties of family, the complications of home, and the moments of love and happiness that arrive no matter what."
- Michael Magras of Many Thrones, One Pretender: "The novel is a showcase not just for George’s obvious passion for music—in a lovely phrase, he refers to the blues as “the cracked holler of remorse”—but for his encyclopedic knowledge of it."
- Alabama Booksmith: "Every staff member at The Alabama Booksmith has read or is reading this amazing book, and Jake has already gone on record as stating that 'This is the best book I’ve read in years.' "
A Good American is an Indie Next Pick for February. To learn more about Alex George, visit his website or Facebook page or follow him on Twitter. Book clubs and other readers will want to see the reading guide, available on the publisher's website.

ISBN-13: 9780399157592
"likely the best book I'll read in 2012"
Wow, that's a strong endorsement only 20 days into the year! This does sound wonderful... it's on the top of my post 'tbr dare' list!
Wow--This is an incredible review. I knew I wanted to read this novel, but you've made me very excited to do so. Congratulations, Alex!
I was given a copy of this last year. It's such a terrific book; I was drawn into the story immediately. I'm glad I had the opportunity to read and offer an endorsement for the cover.
The bonus? Alex George is a truly nice guy!
Since I'm a second generation American, my family's immigrant story is still fresh. I love books like this!!
I heard so much about this book that I'm glad I requested and received it from Library Thing. It's on my Feb TBR list.
Well, my husband is a first generation immigrant, and these stories always get to me. And as I always say, Amy Einhorn books are a sure thing. She doesn't publish a bad one ever. I'd love to get my hands on this one.
I cannot wait to read this book! It sounds wonderful. I was just looking at it in Forecast last night at work - love the recommendations by our Beth Hoffman and Eleanor Brown on the cover - two "friends". And now this wonderful review - definitely on my MUST read list!
Oh, this one does sound amazing, and very eclectic with it's details and the community it captures. I need to see if I can grab this one. It sounds like a book that I would love. Thanks for the spotlight today, you've really whet my appetite for this book!
I've heard several people say that this is a great book. I'm hoping to get to it soon. Great review!
I have this book and can't wait to read it! Thanks for the terrific review, I'm looking forward to the interview.
This is one that I can't wait to read too!
Great write up - sparked my interest. Adding it to my wishlist.
This is one of the books that I am really excited about reading this year. I just hope that it comes out here!
I can't wait to read this one - immigrant stories hold a special place in my heart (my parents are both immigrants) and I love a book that does the immigrant story justice.
This book sounds wonderful! I love stories like this one so of course it's caught my attention, thanks for a great review.
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