25 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday 165

Startled Visitor, January 2011

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Indrani 1/25/12, 12:10 AM  

It is so well camouflaged.

catsynth 1/25/12, 12:22 AM  

Wow, the bird (chickadee, I think?) is so perfectly posed and framed. It is set exactly against the hole in the bird feeder and looking straight at us. Nicely done!

SuziQoregon 1/25/12, 12:22 AM  

LOL "Are you lookin' at me?"

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews 1/25/12, 12:23 AM  

Great shot, he looks so surprised to be having his picture taken.

It has been so mild here, in the Southern UK, that our garden feeders are rarely visited, as there is so much natural food still available, which the birds are taking full advantage of.

Enjoy the rest of your week, Yvonne

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 1/25/12, 1:44 AM  

Ha! He's giving you 'the look'.

Beth Hoffman 1/25/12, 6:07 AM  

Oh, sweet little male House Sparrow!

Sandy Nawrot 1/25/12, 7:17 AM  

He is posing! And maybe giving you a wink and a nod for the food on a cold winter day.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 1/25/12, 7:35 AM  

Quick pose before he digs right in?
Great shot!

bermudaonion 1/25/12, 7:56 AM  

I'm with Sandy, he was posing for you.

Karen Harrington 1/25/12, 8:39 AM  

What are you lookin at? :) Nice shot.

Dianna @ The Freckled Daisy 1/25/12, 8:42 AM  

You gotta love a bird that can pose for the camera :)

Daryl 1/25/12, 9:39 AM  

I'm ready for my close up!

caite 1/25/12, 10:23 AM  

he is not posing...he is thanking the person who filled that feeder with all that food!

Secret Mom Thoughts 1/25/12, 10:45 AM  

Nice capture. He does look like he is posing.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening 1/25/12, 12:13 PM  

Oh, how cute. He (she?) is posing for the camera. :))

Zibilee 1/25/12, 12:15 PM  

We just put up a bird feeder on Sunday, and the squirrels chewed through the plastic on the bottom so that all the seed fell out!! I guess that's what we get for going with plastic bird feeders! That little guy looks so adorable, just sitting pretty and munching! Great photo!

Jenners 1/25/12, 2:25 PM  

It does look like he is a little peeved and looking directly at you!

Dorte H 1/25/12, 4:57 PM  

So cute - and I am pretty sure it is one of those I called ´the ordinary birds´ when I was small. I was so surprised when my mother told me they had a proper name :)

Kaye 1/25/12, 5:23 PM  

"Step away from the feeder and no one gets pecked"

Great shot!

Belle Wong 1/25/12, 5:44 PM  

Great shot - love the way he's looking right at the camera!

Anonymous,  1/25/12, 11:03 PM  

He's probably thinking he just struck gold....that's quite the bird feeder!

Marie 1/26/12, 5:25 PM  

Nice shot! I bet that House Sparrow is really enjoying that millet. I love the way he's looking at you.

Dawn @ sheIsTooFondOfBooks 1/28/12, 8:10 PM  

He's saying "what are *you* looking at!?" :)

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