22 February 2012

Wordless Wednesday 169

Historic Granary (central Pennsylvania), 2012

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LifeRamblings 2/22/12, 12:20 AM  

such a beautiful historic structure.

catsynth 2/22/12, 1:02 AM  

Very pretty. I like images of old buildings like this - as Vicki said it does seem to be in great shape. The incline adds a bit of architectural interest as well.

Lesley 2/22/12, 3:40 AM  

Nice looking building.

Serena 2/22/12, 4:57 AM  

This reminds me of New Hampshire for some reason. I like the wreath...gives you an indication of what season it is

Too Fond 2/22/12, 4:59 AM  

What a beautiful building! I'll never understand why with all our modern technology, we can't make such simple yet appealing structures today. Maybe it's the historical aspect that makes it beautiful--reflecting a time and place.

Indrani 2/22/12, 5:32 AM  

A beautiful fairy tale type of look.

Dianna @ The Freckled Daisy 2/22/12, 6:11 AM  

That's so charming. And I love the muted colors on the house. And its crookedness ;)

Ed T. 2/22/12, 6:42 AM  

That is a nice old building - and somebody is keeping it in good shape! (In these parts, they tend to just tear them down, unfortunately.)

Happy WW!


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 2/22/12, 6:51 AM  

This is so lovely, especially with the way the road slopes in front of the structure.

Secret Mom Thoughts 2/22/12, 7:23 AM  

Very cool building. Looks in great shape too.

bermudaonion 2/22/12, 7:24 AM  

It's gorgeous! I can picture a horse and wagon by it.

caite 2/22/12, 7:52 AM  

what a beautiful old building..

Beth Hoffman 2/22/12, 8:21 AM  

What a proud old structure! Wonderful shot, Candace!

Karen Harrington 2/22/12, 8:47 AM  

That is gorgeous and so serene.

Daryl 2/22/12, 9:18 AM  

I love that you chose that perspective, angle to shoot it from

Louis la Vache 2/22/12, 9:49 AM  

Weathered stateliness.

Zibilee 2/22/12, 11:09 AM  

I would have loved to see this in person. I don't think I have ever seen a building that is this old before. Extremely cool picture today!

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 2/22/12, 11:11 AM  

Great shot. It's weathered beautifully. I love the lines and the incline! Beautiful structure.

Jenners 2/22/12, 12:16 PM  

Lovely. The wreath is a nice touch.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 2/22/12, 12:25 PM  

Nice photo. Very historic. Makes me happy when I see architecture and buildings preserved. Too much tearing down and rebuilding going on.

Robin 2/22/12, 1:47 PM  

What a wonderful old structure, I love how they've built it on an angle like that.

Barbara 2/22/12, 3:15 PM  

The simplicity of this architecture reminds me of Shaker buildings. If you ever get a chance, you should visit New Harmony, Indiana where the Harmonists' village is full of beautifully simple architecture. Function rather than gaudiness.

carol 2/22/12, 3:52 PM  

HOw pretty, from the shape of the building to the wreath.

Susan Adcox 2/22/12, 4:13 PM  

The simplicity is very aesthetically appealing. Nice shot.

Anonymous,  2/22/12, 9:18 PM  

I love the ginormous wreath!

Kailana 2/23/12, 5:13 AM  

Wonderful picture!

Jennie 2/23/12, 11:27 AM  

So peaceful and pretty!

Marie 2/24/12, 11:16 AM  

Great photo! I love old buildings. That window at the top is quite interesting. I wonder what's up there? I bet the inside is facinating as well. Great find.

Dorte H 2/26/12, 9:30 AM  


I read a cozy recently about a man who lived in a converted barn. Now I can really see the attraction.

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