20 November 2012

What's in a Name 6: Sign Up

Welcome to the sixth What's in a Name challenge This challenge was originated by a young blogger named Annie, who hosted it for two years. When she decided to give up on being the host, I took over the challenge.

I credit this challenge with being one of the prime reasons for my becoming a blogger, so I am thrilled to be its new host.

Here's How It Works

Between January 1 and December 31, 2013, read one book in each of the following categories:
  1. A book with up or down (or equivalent) in the title: Deep down True, The Girl Below, The Diva Digs up the Dirt
  2. A book with something you'd find in your kitchen in the title: Loose Lips Sink Ships, The Knife of Never Letting Go, Breadcrumbs
  3. A book with a party or celebration in the title: A Feast for Crows, A Wedding in Haiti, Cocktail Hour under the Tree of Forgetfulness
  4. A book with fire (or equivalent) in the title: Burning for Revenge, Fireworks over Toccoa, Catching Fire
  5. A book with an emotion in the title: Baltimore Blues, Say You're Sorry, Dreams of Joy
  6. A book with lost or found (or equivalent) in the title: The Book of Lost Fragrances, The World We Found, A Discovery of Witches
The book titles are just suggestions, you can read whatever book you want to fit the category.

Other Things to Know

  • Books may be any form (audio, print, e-book).
  • Books may overlap other challenges.
  • Books may not overlap categories; you need a different book for each category.
  • Creativity for matching the categories is not only allowed but encouraged.
  • You do not have to make a list of books before hand.
  • You do not have to read through the categories in any particular order.
On January 1, I'll publish 7 posts, each with a Mr. Linky (one for each category and one for your wrap-up post), on this blog so you'll have a place post links to your reviews (bloggers) or leave comments (non-bloggers) as you finish up each category. You'll be able to find these posts during the year by clicking on the button in the sidebar. (I'll create those links on January 1.)

Tip: If you're ever struggling to find a title to match a category, check out what other people have read so you can get ideas or be inspired. And remember to be creative.

To join in, sign up with Mr. Linky below. If you aren't a blogger, just add a comment. If Mr. Linky ever disappears, either try again later or click on the Email Icon in the side bar and send me your information, and I'll add the link myself.

To use Mr. Linky: put your name or your blog's name in the top box and the URL (web address) of your blog in the bottom box. If you don't have a blog, use your tumblr account, your Facebook page or simply mention your intent to join the challenge in the comments.

Thanks to @Uniflame and @SuziQoregon for suggestions for, inspiration for, and confirmation of this year's categories. Feel free to suggest ideas for 2014 in the comments.

It's never too late to join!

I hope you like the categories! Have fun and good luck.


bermudaonion 11/20/12, 7:48 AM  

I'll have to think about this - I'm not doing so hot with this year's challenge.

Anonymous,  11/20/12, 7:56 AM  

Sounds like fun!

Tina 11/20/12, 8:18 AM  

Good morning! I ought to have waited to sign up until I was on a proper computer. Using my phone, I hit enter for the url before removing a link to a specific post. Oops! You can find me at Novel Meals.
Excited about this reading challenge!

Julie 11/20/12, 8:23 AM  

I'm very excited. I only have one more book to complete 5. :) Nice job on the categories.

Daryl 11/20/12, 8:58 AM  

what a great idea .. i have to think about this .... i don't want to commit and then not follow through

drey 11/20/12, 9:23 AM  

I have to say, this looks like fun. I haven't done a challenge in forever (it seems), so hopefully I don't fall flat on my face here! :)

Zibilee 11/20/12, 11:12 AM  

This sounds like a wonderful challenge! I will have to consider if I can join it! I am notoriously bad at challenges and always have a tough time getting through them!

grammajudyb 11/20/12, 11:52 AM  

Yea! I have been waiting for "What's in a Name 6". I played last year, it was my first attempt at blogging or a book challenge and I had a great time.

Librarybug 11/20/12, 12:33 PM  

I didn't do so well with What's In a Name 5, but I'm excited to try again. I'm already compiling my GoodReads bookshelf.

SuziQoregon 11/20/12, 12:46 PM  

I've already started working on a list of possibilities. I'll link up when I do my post.

Patty 11/20/12, 12:54 PM  

I've already signed up and will update once I've decided on my intended reads. Thanks for being a great host!

Hutt-Write Voice 11/20/12, 1:44 PM  

Would love to take part, but am having trouble entering my blog address.

Bev Hankins 11/20/12, 2:29 PM  

Back for more! Yay--I love this challenge.

Mary R. 11/20/12, 3:42 PM  

I really enjoyed this challenge in 2012, so am happy to sign on for 2013. Cool categories!

Hutt-Write Voice 11/20/12, 3:59 PM  

So happy! Got it to work now! looking forward to this fun challenge!

Brenda 11/20/12, 4:07 PM  

I had a great time with this last year! Glad to sign up again this year.

Hanna @ Booking in Heels 11/20/12, 4:29 PM  

Oh great! I had great fun with this one this year (I should finish it too!), I can't wait to start it all over again :)

Christine 11/20/12, 4:35 PM  

TOTALLY IN! This is one of my favorite annual reading challenges. ... although I am struggling a little with one more category for this year's. But I'm working on it. ;)

Robin M 11/20/12, 7:08 PM  

I'm definitely in again for 2013. Managed to complete all the categories for 2012 - yeah me. So much fun. Thank you!

Unknown 11/20/12, 7:25 PM  

I'm thinking. Let me look again at how I did in 2012.

Unknown 11/20/12, 7:28 PM  

One of the reasons I started a blog was to participate more actively in these challenges and this is a great one to start! :)

PS: I'm sorry but I think I linked myself twice accidently, can you delete the first entry please? :/

Darlene 11/20/12, 7:47 PM  

I had so much fun with the challenge this year, and I can't wait for next year's to start!

Thanks for hosting it again!

Nupur 11/21/12, 5:13 AM  

My first reading challenge ever- and I'm so excited to participate. I can think of books for some of the categories, and will have to think about the others.

Karen White 11/21/12, 10:00 AM  

Love the categories, especially the kitchen one!

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 11/21/12, 10:50 AM  

This reminds me to log my last few books from this year's challenge and do a wrap-up post. I enjoy this one... I read so much I had titles for each category without any advance planning!

Anonymous,  11/21/12, 11:04 AM  

i like it :p

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity 11/21/12, 1:50 PM  

I think I'm going to join you guys!! But since I like to keep my reading less planned these days I'm going to just try to make it work rather than finding titles right now and sticking to them... So fun!!

Cat 11/21/12, 1:53 PM  

Great categories and looking forward to again to one of my favourite challenges.

Unknown 11/22/12, 12:58 AM  

I'm in! I have one more book to complete #5; but I've already pulled down the stacks and sorted through to find books that would qualify for #6! I'm participating as a non-blogger this year though, so I'll be leaving comments in the respective categories :-)

dog eared copy,  11/22/12, 12:59 AM  

Ok, really! I am NOT "Unknown!" The above comment was posted by dog eared copy/Tanya :-) #bloggerfail

Marny 11/23/12, 5:46 AM  

Thanks for hosting this again. I'm looking forward to reading the books I've chosen :-)

CMash 11/24/12, 8:39 AM  

So excited! Thank you for hosting again this year. I am cutting back on challenges this year due to time constraints but participating in those that I absolutely love and this is one of them!! GL everyone!! (I used the URL where I keep track of my challenges, but you can see the announcement here: http://cmashlovestoread.com/2012/11/24/aloha-friday-47/

Gigi Ann 11/24/12, 10:07 AM  

I was not going to join any challenges this year...until I found this one at CMash's, and couldn't resist this challenge. I have my list ready and waiting for 2013. Thanks for hosting this challenge, Have fun everyone...

Unknown 11/24/12, 12:10 PM  

I would like to try my hand at this challenge.

Anonymous,  11/24/12, 7:47 PM  

Back for another year. I think this will probably be the only challenge I'm doing for 2013 - love this one!

Kailana 11/24/12, 9:32 PM  

I bombed at this challenge, sadly. The whole lack of reading killed everything... Maybe if my reading year next year starts well I will join late...

Jane 11/24/12, 10:04 PM  

I really enjoyed this challenge this year. Can't wait to try it again!

Ann Holt 11/25/12, 5:18 PM  

I think I can. I think I can. (I've got a tentative list from mostly things I've been wanting to read someday.)

Diane 11/25/12, 11:52 PM  

This sounds like an interesting challenge - as well as something that I think I can handle. Looking forward to it.

Yuska 11/28/12, 10:31 PM  

A perfect reason to eat the unread books in my library.
Already got the list:
1. The Dead Lie Down - Sophie Hannah
2. God Save The Sweet Potato Queens - Jill Conner Browne
3. Ceremony in Death - J.D. Robb
4. The Girl Who Played With Fire - Stieg Larrson
5. The Geography of Bliss - Eric Weiner
6. Stolen Lives - Malika Oufkir

Yes, I'm in!

Melwyk 12/1/12, 7:56 PM  

I am so signing up again! I have loved this challenge every year -- will link up once I start posting my year-end challenge sign ups etc.

Vonnie 12/2/12, 2:17 PM  

I love reading challenges! This will be my first time participating :)

Ravi M. Singh 12/7/12, 5:21 PM  

This looks brilliant. I think it'll really help me explore some new horizons in my reading :)

Anonymous,  12/8/12, 11:06 PM  

This will be my first official reading challenge...honestly, those categories are just gold - Can't wait to creatively attack them!

Anonymous,  12/12/12, 11:41 PM  

Great challenge! I'm all signed up and excited. Definitely had to get creative thinking about a couple of the categories. Thanks!

Anonymous,  12/16/12, 12:20 AM  

Sounds like a great challenge--can't wait to get started!

danicapage 12/16/12, 1:18 AM  

Definitely sounds fun. I am in.

Katy McCoy 12/16/12, 9:03 AM  

I'm in - msounds like fun. My first reading challenge!

Shonna 12/16/12, 10:13 PM  

Just completed 5 today, and signed up for 6. Scanning my shelves to see what fits the categories. This is such fun!

J.L. Mun 12/17/12, 8:46 PM  

I can see why you'd want to keep this alive! Can't wait to start!

hannah 12/19/12, 11:21 PM  

I was just wondering today if you had posted the list for 2013! yay! I really enjoyed the challenge this year, so I'm looking forward to 2013. Thanks!

kshaw 12/21/12, 7:46 PM  

Can't wait to start reading :)

Irene 12/22/12, 10:02 AM  

I love this challenge, I still have one book to finish, it's a heavy one, for this years, and even if I don't make it, it has made me spread my wings in the library. Thanks for hosting again.

Gabrielle 12/24/12, 1:05 AM  

This is the first time I've done a What's In A Name challenge, and I can't wait!

H Lynnea 12/25/12, 1:59 AM  

The 2012 challenge was fun, I can't wait to try this year's!

JLS Hall 12/27/12, 4:09 PM  

Thanks so much for hosting this again!

vicjbr 12/27/12, 10:03 PM  

Can you delete #93 for me... I am #93 and 94.... thanks

Yvonne 12/28/12, 9:42 PM  

I'm in! Thanks for hosting this!

fredamans 12/28/12, 11:23 PM  

I'm in for the first time!

Unknown 12/29/12, 7:10 AM  

I found this challenge by following Kim's post on Page after Page and it sounds interesting. I'm going to see whats in my to read pile and see how I go.

Grammy Braxton 12/29/12, 2:29 PM  

I came over from Ruth's Little Leprechaun's blog. This sounds very interesting and I'm totally in. Can't wait to get my list together.


Becca 12/29/12, 5:46 PM  

I finished last years a little while ago and decided to sign up again this year.

Bianca 12/29/12, 10:44 PM  

I would love to join this. It will be my first book challenge. I do not have a blog to link to.

mbroider 12/29/12, 10:47 PM  

I would like to join and in my to-be-read list have 4 of the 6 categories (i think), i should be able to get the two other categories

1. The World Below
2. The Lambs of London
3,4 - will buy
5. Bleak House
6. I Capture the Castle

I am thinking 1 and 6 are perfect. What about 2 and 5 pls?

Thanks for this reading challenge, i feel this is something i can do!

Sarah Beth 12/30/12, 3:17 AM  

Sounds like fun. I'm a big reader so this should be fun.

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle 12/30/12, 10:32 AM  

I signed up. Simple and fun little challenge, looking forward to getting started!

Anonymous,  12/30/12, 9:21 PM  

My blog is in limbo, so I did this on a Pinterest post. I've linked to it above. I'm still trying to figure out what 2 of them will be, but I've got the rest of them listed.

Captain Nick Sparrow 12/31/12, 12:45 AM  

I did this challenge a few years ago when it was hosted by Annie. Thank you for carrying it on!! It's a fun challenge.

Ruby // Rustled Pages 12/31/12, 8:45 AM  

This sounds like fun! But I'm going to have to think about it! At first I though Looking For Alaska would count for 6... But then I realised it just doesn't quite work! :)

Carine 1/1/13, 2:08 PM  

I'm in and hoping to do better this year!

Kate @Midnight Book Girl 1/1/13, 10:02 PM  

Definitely one of my favorite challenges! Thanks for being awesome!

AlleluiaLu 1/2/13, 1:40 PM  

I just signed up. I completed all but one category last year, but I think that was just an oversight. I really enjoy this challenge and I appreciate all the work that goes into making it happen. Thanks so much.

~Brandy~ 1/2/13, 9:58 PM  

I'm excited for this! I have been a bit unsuccessful in past challenges, but am going to try and tell a different story (pun intended) in 2013! Here goes! I especially love the challenge of trying to find books to match the random categories!

~Brandy~ 1/3/13, 3:03 PM  

Here's my first post! Excited!

Brenda 1/4/13, 8:45 AM  

Hope I had not already signed up, I played last year and it was great fun so here I am back to play this year!

Melody 1/4/13, 4:48 PM  

Looking forward to another fun reading year.

Sharon S.,  1/4/13, 5:16 PM  

Count me in - so much fun coming up with suitable titles! Starting with Losing Nelson by Barry Unsworth (#6).

Sharon 1/4/13, 9:21 PM  

Looking forward to this challenge again this year!

Peek-a-booK! 1/5/13, 12:40 PM  

I'm in (again!) thanks for hosting!
I've just finished reading the book that counts for the category n°3! ^_^
Good luck to everyone!


Marg 1/7/13, 6:50 AM  

I'm in again. I started last year and while I read more books than I have for years I'm not sure i snagged any from the categories. Will try to be more focused this year. Thanks for hosting. I enjoyed getting back into reading and this challenge certainly helped that.

Margot 1/7/13, 6:42 PM  

I just signed up for this challenge. I couldn't help myself. I did miserably last year but I'll keep trying this year. I like the categories. Thanks for hosting.

Paula 1/8/13, 10:13 PM  

2012 was the first year I didn't complete this challenge but I'm back on track and going to do it this year!!

Mari 1/9/13, 11:55 AM  

Going to join in this year. First time trying this one. :)

k 1/9/13, 2:40 PM  

This will be tough, but I'm up for the challenge!! How fun!!

Reading in the Dark 1/13/13, 11:07 PM  

I just discovered a whole bunch of reading challenges--this one sounds like the most random and fun! I'm excited!

Anonymous,  1/17/13, 9:06 PM  

So excited about this challenge, this is definitely one of the most creative yet!

Jane 1/17/13, 11:38 PM  

Just signed up!

# 1 - 5 are still tbd.

# 6, Looking for Yesterday, by Marcia Muller, finished 1/1/13

Create With Joy 1/17/13, 11:55 PM  

Delighted to find and join your challenge this year! Look forward to getting to know you! Shared your challenge at

Create With Joy

Deb 1/19/13, 11:10 AM  

I have just signed up, this quirky challenge is just what I was looking for. I don't have any books chosen yet, but I will.
Thank you

TracyK 1/20/13, 10:34 PM  

Signing up for this challenge for the first time. Looking forward to it.

Lady Bren 1/22/13, 9:29 PM  

Realize I am a bit late but just found out about this and excited to participate :)

Unknown 1/23/13, 9:06 AM  

This looks fun :-) I'll be doing it on my blog. I love reading challenges!!



My question days ago isn't shown; the answer factors into deciding to join. Would like to forsee how much of my material fits.

Is #1 specifically aimed at "up" / "down" or is it a theme of directions in general? For instance "left" / "right"? Thank you.

Beth F 1/23/13, 2:37 PM  

@Riedel: Sorry! No it's up or down (or equivalent -- high/low, under/over). Right and left will be for another year. :)

Unknown 1/24/13, 3:10 AM  

Beth, thanks for this challenge, I am really loving the categories because they are pushing me to get out of my usual categories... Its great.
The only problem I am having is I can't find the linky to post reviews. Can you help me on that please?

Unknown 1/27/13, 3:38 PM  

I set up a blog and posted my picks. I now feel part of the club and ready to go. My first book is going a little slow it has a lot of info to keep track of. I will say this is going to be a blast and yee Haw!!

Annina 1/28/13, 6:06 AM  

I signed up and added the link to my blog. I've chosen some books from my to-read list so far, but haven't read anything for this yet. The party one seems to be the most difficult for me and it was suprisingly difficult to find something for emotion on my to read list.

jmisgro 1/31/13, 9:55 AM  

Ok I am in...I like a good challenge!! Thanks.

beastmomma 2/18/13, 4:26 PM  

I indulge my optimist by signing up for this fun challenge. Thank you again for hosting.

Megan 3/12/13, 11:57 PM  

I was SO close to finishing this last year - I only needed one more book. This time I'm going to try to plan my books ahead of time to increase my chances of success. :)

Buried In Print 3/21/13, 4:38 PM  

Such fun: thanks again for hosting! Love this year's categories...

Marj 3/21/13, 11:25 PM  

Looking forward to this challenge!

~*~MaeMae~*~ 4/3/13, 3:07 PM  

Is it too late to join in on the fun?

~*~MaeMae~*~ 4/3/13, 3:09 PM  

opps just read the last line of this entry and it says it is never too late. HaHa Silly me I should know to always read the fine print :)

Unknown 4/6/13, 5:52 PM  

What a fun challenge! I am looking forward to finding titles that will work!

Anonymous,  4/8/13, 11:26 PM  

I'm in at last, Beth! http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/colour-names-postal/

Anonymous,  5/8/13, 9:34 PM  

I love this challenge!! (É” ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)


Yuska 6/24/13, 11:34 AM  

Yes, I'm signing in.
This is gonna be fun ^^

Yuska 6/24/13, 11:34 AM  

Yes, I'm signing in.
This is gonna be fun ^^

Anonymous,  7/8/13, 11:16 PM  

I'm contemplating joining your challenge.
Question: do "ashes" count in the fire category, or is that pushing it? ;)


LibriAmoriMiei 8/17/13, 3:14 PM  

What a fun challenge!
Yes, I'm signing in

Anonymous,  9/14/13, 3:45 AM  

Better late than never, right?!

Anonymous,  11/2/13, 3:37 PM  

Beth, I have my end post ready. I see you will put the links up on Jan.1,2014 or we can comment after every finished book. Since I have my wrap up post here in my hot, little hands, I will leave the link here. Hope that's alright. Please let me know if it's totally wrong.



Anonymous,  11/2/13, 3:38 PM  


It disappeared. Here is another link.


Beth F 11/2/13, 3:42 PM  

Tea Norman: You can comment after every finished book and link up your wrap post right away to the wrap-up page. You can find all the links here. Congratulations on finishing!!!!!


Katy McCoy 11/20/13, 10:02 PM  

I['m hoping this is an ok way to post my completion of the Name Challenge. Although I finished it awhile ago, this was one of my favorite challenges.

Book with Up or Down: Under the Beetle's Cellar (Mark Willis Walker) 5/5; Six Strokes Under (Roberta Isleib)3/5 (Good author for alphabetical mysteries!)

Book with Kitchen-Related Title: Stolen Honey (Nancy Means Wright)5/5 ; Recipe for Trouble (Jackie Griffey) 4/5; Coroner's Lunch (Cotterill) 5/5; Orange as Marmalade (Fran Stewart) 4/5 (another good one for an alphabet mystery challenge)

Book with Party or Celebration in title: Victory Dance Murder (M.T. Jefferson)3/5

Book with Fire in title: Fire and Ice (Stabenow) 4/5; Trace of Smoke (Rebecca Cantrell) 5/5

Book with Emotion in title: Books Can be Deceiving (Jenn McKinlay)5/5; He Who Fears the Wolf (Karin Fossum) 5/5; Bad Faith (Thurlo) 4/5; Confidence Woman (Judith Van Gieson)5/5; Fearful Symmetry (Morag Joss) 4/5

Book with Lost or Found in Title: Keeper of Lost Causes (Jussi Adler-Olsen) 5/5

Beth 12/31/13, 8:56 PM  

I checked to see if I got lucky this year, and Yes! So my starting post is also my wrap-up. I'll go put those in the links.

Thanks for stopping by. I read all comments and may respond here, via e-mail, or on your blog. I visit everyone who comments, but not necessarily right away.

I cannot turn off word verification, but if you are logged into Blogger you can ignore the captcha. I have set posts older than 14 days to be on moderation. I can no longer accept anonymous comments. I'm so sorry if this means you have to register or if you have trouble commenting.


All content and photos (except where noted) copyright © cbl for Beth Fish Reads 2008-2020. All rights reserved.



To The Blogger Guide, Blogger Buster, Tips Blogger, Our Blogger Templates, BlogU, and Exploding Boy for the code for customizing my blog. To Old Book Illustrations for my ID photo. To SEO for meta-tag analysis. To Blogger Widgets for the avatars in my comments and sidebar gadgets. To Review of the Web for more gadgets. To SuziQ from Whimpulsive for help with my comments section. To Cool Tricks N Tips for my Google +1 button.

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