Weekend Cooking: Haute Cuisine (Film)
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After today, my life will return mostly to normal, and I'll be cooking again and reading cookbooks, sharing recipes, and commenting on your posts. It's been a very rough period, and I appreciate everyone's good thoughts.
At one point while sitting in the hospital last week, I took a mini vacation by putting in my ear buds and setting my tablet for Netflix streaming. As you might guess, I turned to my favorite type of movie: something to do with food.
Haute Cuisine (directed by Christian Vincent) is based on the true story of Danièle Delpeuch, the first woman to be the private chef for President François Mitterrand. Although the names were changed in the movie, the general story is supposed to be fairly accurate.

Be warned that despite the adversarial relationship between the two kitchens, there isn't much of a plot in Haute Cuisine. On the other hand, the food is simply gorgeous, and I enjoyed following Hortense and Nicolas's growing friendship. Plus I love Hortense's idea of simple French food (read: not simple at all!) and would hire her to be my personal chef in a heartbeat.
The movie alternates between Paris and Antarctica, where Hortense cooked for a year after leaving the palace. The South Pole scenes were not as interesting as the Paris kitchens, but they do demonstrate Hortense's resilience.
Haute Cuisine is recommended for foodies in need of a quiet escape. (Note: the movie is in French with English subtitles)
Since I used subtitles even for English, that won't bother me! LOL
Is the movie as witty as that trailer looks? Will have to seek it out.
Hope your life returns to a more normal pace soon. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
I have had you in my thoughts.
Another cool movie that I had not heard of, but I always get good suggestions and ideas from your site ☺️
I've been thinking about you a lot this week.
The movie sounds entertaining but I struggle with films with subtitles.
Looks like a pleasant flick, and I enjoy the French with subtitles as it keeps me from getting too rusty.
Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope everything gets back to normal for you all soon.
Thanks for this, adding to my list.
I haven't seen this but I love the idea of the contrast between French kitchen and South Pole kitchen. I love Netflix for discovering movies! Hope all is well and have a great week!
Hope your life gets back on track very soon, and thank you for sharing this film, which I wouldn't have found on my own :)
The trailer certainly looks nice, I think this is a film I would enjoy. I've been reading a book about the rise and fall of French cuisine, call Au Revoir to All That, and President Mitterrand and his eating habits are mentioned a bit in it so I'm extra curious.
I'm sorry you've been having a hard time. I hope things get better and sunnier soon!
I have this in my Netflix, but haven't watched it yet because of the subtitles. I don't have a problem with them, I just prefer to be doing something else when I watch TV, so I keep putting it off. Waiting rooms and hospitals are part of my life, so that's a good idea.
I hope your like returns to normal soon!
Thanks for sharing this movie. It is certainly going to my list as I always enjoy this foody movies where the food is the main character. :)
Waiting in hospitals is never any fun, but I'm sure that delightful looking movie helped. Hope all is well now with your family.
Thanks for the heads-up -- I did not know about this film. Looks like fun and a good way to work on my woefully inadequate French!
We really enjoyed Haute Cuisine -- my husband rather likes plotless movies, anyway. I often don't -- but the strong female lead and the food theme made it work for me, too.
Thinking of you during this rough patch!
Glad you're back. Take care. Cheers from Carole
Foodie movies are my favorite and Haute Cuisine has been on my list. Hope you continue to rest and heal.
I am linking up a book review set in Hawaii and a recipe for poke (Hawaiian ahi salad), one of my favorite local dishes. ;-)
I didn't realize you were in the hospital! I'm glad to hear you're on the road to recovery. Be back to 100% soon!
First time on your blog. Went through most of your posts. Well written and quite inspiring too. I have just entered my link. Will be a follower now.
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