04 July 2015

Weekend Cooking: Sour Cherry Pie

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copyright cbl for www.BethFishReads.comHappy July 4 to all my American friends. Because it's the holiday and because sour cherries appeared at my local farmers market this week, I thought I'd share my recipe for a wonderful summer treat: sour cherry pie.

This recipe has been in my files for years, and I no longer remember its origins. The pie has just the right balance of sweet and tart for our tastes, and I think the almond extract is a brilliant addition.

Now where's that vanilla ice cream?

Sour Cherry Pie (from the files of Beth Fish Reads)
1 nine-inch pie
    copyright cbl for Beth Fish Reads
  • 1 double pie crust
  • 5 cups pitted sour cherries
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 splash of almond extract
Preheat the oven to 375F. Line the bottom of the pie pan with one crust. Note: You can blind bake the bottom crust if you're worried about sogginess, but I usually skip this step.

In a large bowl, combine the cherries, sugar, cornstarch, and almond extract. Gently mix until the cherries are coated and the sugar and cornstarch look like they're beginning to dissolve. Put the cherries (and juices) into the crust-lined pie pan.

Cover the top of the pie with the second crust, crimping the edges to seal. Cut a few slits in the top crust to let the steam out. Bake for about 1 hour, or until the crust is brown and the filling is bubbling.

Let cool completely on a rack before cutting.


rhapsodyinbooks 7/4/15, 6:29 AM  

Perfect recipe for today, with ice cream on top of course!

bermudaonion 7/4/15, 7:55 AM  

I love sour cherries - this sounds like the perfect dessert for the 4th!

Alba Forcadell 7/4/15, 8:22 AM  

I love cherries but never had a cherry pie, will have to try this recipe. It looks delicious! :)

(Diane) bookchickdi 7/4/15, 8:40 AM  

My son loves cherry pie, I am pinning this recipe. Thanks for sharing, have a good 4th of July.

Katherine P 7/4/15, 9:30 AM  

I love cherry pie but don't have it nearly often enough! This looks like a great recipe. Happy 4th!

Tina 7/4/15, 11:17 AM  

Happy 4th to you! I have never had sour cherries. Pie is welcome anytime in our house. Maybe I will make one for this evening.

Cecelia 7/4/15, 12:18 PM  

What a gorgeous pie! My parents have a couple of sour cherry trees that bear bushels of fruit - but I haven't had any in ages (I moved across the country). This recipe makes me want to beg them to overnight some cherries!

Claudia 7/4/15, 2:13 PM  

A lovely pie! Looks like a lot of us did fruit desserts today. Happy Fourth!

Peaceful Reader 7/4/15, 4:01 PM  

I love sour cherry pie. I've never made one myself but my mother-in-law's is to die for. I will give yours a try once I find sour cherries.

Carole 7/4/15, 5:38 PM  

Now I've got a serious cherry craving! Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

Mary R. 7/4/15, 5:43 PM  

Almond extract is the secret to my Mom's cherry pie. It adds a lot, but you don't really know what it is that makes the pie better than other cherry pie.

Joy 7/4/15, 8:47 PM  

What a festive pie for a holiday!

Joy's Book Blog

Laurie C 7/5/15, 9:25 AM  

I love the sound of this, especially with the splash of almond extract, and it looks so pretty, too!

Roberta Gibson 7/5/15, 4:15 PM  

The sour cherry pie looks fabulous. I will be looking for cherries at the store this week.

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