01 March 2016

Today's Read: Georgia by Dawn Tripp

Georgia by Dawn TrippWhat if you had a passion for art but were torn between the love a man who thought he knew what was best for you and your own sense of who you were and what you needed to do? That was just one dilemma faced by Georgia O'Keeffe on her journey from unknown art teacher to world icon:

I bought this house for the door. The house itself was a ruin, but I had to have that door. Over the years, I've painted it many times, all different ways: abstract, representational, blue, black, brown. I've painted it in the hot green of summer, in the dead of winter, clouds rushing past it, a lone yellow leaf drifting down. I painted the door open only once. Just before he died. In every picture after, it was closed.
Georgia by Dawn Tripp (Random House, 2016, chapter 1)

Quick Facts
  • Setting: United States, twentieth century
  • Circumstances: The novel focuses on Georgia O'Keeffe and her relationship with photographer Alfred Stieglitz. But it also introduces us to the developing artist, before she came fully into her own and started producing the work we most often associate with her. We learn of her loves and her frustrations, her family and her dreams.
  • Genre: historical fiction; literary
  • Characters: artist Georgia O'Keeffe; photographer Alfred Stieglitz; their families; famous writers and artists, especially of the 1920s and 1930s, in New York City and elsewhere; friends and other people in O'Keeffe's life.
  • Why I want to read it: I've always loved O'Keeffe's paintings but know little of her life and the influences on her art. I'm interested in women who came to age in the early twentieth century, who had to made hard choices, with little cultural support, in order to follow their passions. O'Keeffe nurtured her independent spirit in both her life and her work.
  • Mini disclosure: I consider author Dawn Tripp one of my online friends and am always happy to support her. Fortunately, she makes that easy by writing critically acclaimed books. Georgia has earned starred reviews and high praise from many respected venues and trusted readers.
  • Recommendations: From what I can tell so far, Georgia would appeal to anyone who likes vivid, intense writing; has an interest in the arts; cares about women's issues; and/or wants to read a great story.
  • Learn more: Tripp has been interviewed at The Grub Daily, Book Reporter, and Dead Darlings. If you visit her website, you'll find a Q&A, book club resources, information about photography, and more. (photo of O'Keeffe by Stieglitz; in the public domain)


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 3/1/16, 7:35 AM  

Love the writing in that intro and want to try this one as well.

Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 3/1/16, 7:43 AM  

I'm not a big art person, so I'd probably pass on this one.

rhapsodyinbooks 3/1/16, 7:54 AM  

I was a big fan of the work of Stieglitz even before I knew who Georgia O'Keefe was. I can't imagine how it would have been for people so talented in such different ways to be together like that. Obviously I have to read this book!

Kay 3/1/16, 9:08 AM  

I thought this one sounded interesting when I first learned of it, though it is a bit outside what I normally read. I'd continue. Loved the passage about the door.

Emma Litttlefield 3/1/16, 9:14 AM  

I really like the intro and have a clear picture in my head of the door. Not sure I would read the book though because it's not an interest of mine I must admit.

Daryl 3/1/16, 9:30 AM  

i think Ms O'Keefe was an amazing artist and woman but biographies are not my cuppa ... thanks anyway

Kathy Martin 3/1/16, 9:34 AM  

Great teaser! It sounds like a fascinating book. My teaser this week comes from Dragon's Fire by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey. I'm trying to finish this series by reading the books I missed when they were new. Happy reading!

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian 3/1/16, 9:55 AM  

I enjoy historical fiction and have this one on my list.

grammajudyb 3/1/16, 10:33 AM  

I would read this one. I have always been interested in Georgia O'Keefe's art and would like to know more about her. Thanks for the intro.

Unknown 3/1/16, 11:06 AM  

Georgia O'Keefe had a very interesting life, I saw a documentary about her on PBS several years ago and was totally fascinated. Exploring her life in fiction has got to be good.

Whitney 3/1/16, 11:18 AM  

Georgia really caught my eye as I enjoy reading books on creative people. Thanks for your review.

Laurel-Rain Snow 3/1/16, 12:02 PM  

Great intro! I also love George O'Keefe, and have only learned bits and pieces of her from books and/or movies about others. An artist's journey is very intriguing to me. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “NO ONE KNOWS”

Margot 3/1/16, 12:02 PM  

I like the opening paragraph. I also like Georgia O'Keefe's work. Yes, I want to read this one.

Kailana 3/1/16, 12:27 PM  

Sounds like a good recommendation!

Sandra Nachlinger 3/1/16, 12:58 PM  

I MUST have this book! I've always admired Georgia O'Keeffe's paintings, and I know I'd enjoy a historical novel based on her life. Thank you for introducing me to this author.
My Tuesday post features THE ALL-GIRL FILLING STATION’S LAST REUNION by Fannie Flagg.

Literary Feline 3/1/16, 1:29 PM  

What a beautiful opening! It certainly spoke to me. While I like art, I know very little about it. I am not familiar with Georgia O'Keeffe, although I imagine I would find some of her work familiar.

Carole 3/1/16, 1:39 PM  

Hi,looks like a fab book! It would be great if you added your review to the Books You Loved: March collection over at Carole's Chatter. Cheers

Anonymous,  3/1/16, 2:59 PM  

Sounds good and interesting.

Jackie McGuinness 3/1/16, 6:10 PM  

Thanks, added to my TBR list.

Majanka Verstraete 3/2/16, 8:24 AM  

I love the excerpt about the door. So powerful.

Majanka @ I Heart Reading

Laurie C 3/2/16, 9:36 AM  

I've read one of Dawn Tripp's books before and liked it, but can't remember which at the moment!

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