07 April 2016

The APA's 2016 Audiobook Blogger of the Year

Beth Fish Reads is APA's 2016 Audiobook Blogger of the YearIf you heard a loud squeal coming from central Pennsylvania yesterday, that was me receiving the news I was chosen as the Audio Publishers Association's 2016 Audiobook Blogger of the Year.

To say I was stunned and overwhelmed is an understatement. Who knew when I listened to my very first audiobook (on cassettes!) back in the 1980s, that I would ever become such a vocal fan of the medium?

Thanks so much to the APA for this great honor. I think I'm still in a daze and my feet haven't touched the ground since I heard the news. Here's more about the award (from the APA's press release):

"This contest was created to recognize the valuable contribution of independent audiobook listeners who review and promote the format online," says APA President Linda Lee. "It is an opportunity to not only reward their work, but also to increase engaging discussions about audiobooks on the web and to encourage new bloggers to join the conversation."
I couldn't agree more about encouraging new listeners and reviewers: give audiobooks a chance, and never stop writing about them or talking about them!

I hope to see you all in Chicago, where I'll be at BEA and attending the Audies Gala:
[The] prize for winning the competition is 2 tickets to the black-tie Audie Awards'® Gala, which will be held on Wednesday, May 11th at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. [Beth Fish Reads] will be recognized for her achievement at the Gala and have her photo taken with Audies emcee, comedian Paula Poundstone, and contest judge Katherine Kellgren. 
Now to find that perfect dress.


Literate Housewife 4/7/16, 6:57 AM  

Congratulations!!!! I couldn't be more happy for you. I remember that shocked feeling do well. I hope you have the best time at the Audies. I can't wsit to see the pictures. :)

Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 4/7/16, 7:50 AM  

Congratulations!! What a great honor!

Molly 4/7/16, 8:00 AM  

What a wonderful prize - how fun! I hope you post pictures after the BEA event so we can live vicariously through you :)

While you may be shocked at this news, I am not. It is in large part because of your reviews and passion for the medium that I continued to try audiobooks when I struggle to listen rather than read a book. I now adore them - and so does my youngest daughter. You have influenced far more people than you realize.


JoAnn 4/7/16, 8:38 AM  

Congratulations! You are my #1 source for audio recommendations :)

bermudaonion 4/7/16, 8:43 AM  

Congratulations on your well deserved prize!! Kudos to the APA for recognizing the role bloggers play in promoting audiobooks.

Karen White 4/7/16, 8:48 AM  

Yay! So happy for you!! Looking forward to seeing you in May and celebrating further. Thanks for all you do for audiobooks...

grammajudyb 4/7/16, 9:41 AM  

Congratulations! Yours was the first blog I ran across when I retired in 2011. It is the reason I chose to join the blogosphere at all. Good work!!

Sheila (Bookjourney) 4/7/16, 10:29 AM  

Congratulations! Well deserved! You have turned me on to many an audio book through Beth Fish Reads and your wonderful reviews!

Heather 4/7/16, 11:19 AM  

this is very cool. I am still shocked that some people think that listening to audiobooks is cheating. One person even comments on a review I posted that I was not qualified to review the books since I didn't actually read it. He said my review wasn't helpful since I cheated and was too lazy to pick up paper and read. it's a tough road some times, but audio books are a great way to read and reviews do help me decide which to listen to.

Sheila (Bookjourney) 4/7/16, 12:43 PM  

IN response to Heathers comment above (since apparently I am stalking this log today ha ha)
Cleary the person had never experienced the value of audio before. I love it when our book club mixed it up and someone can report on the audio version (as I will be doing next week when we discuss A Man Called Ove). Audio can bring another level to the book - even another emotion.

There are books out there that I know I would have never made through if I had read them, but by listening, I was able to appreciate a book I may not have otherwise chosen.

And lastly... before I step off my soap box, for busy people.... audio is the way to go. I can listen while cooking and cleaning. I can listen while driving and sometimes honestly can not wait to get in the car to continue my story.

That is all :) Rant ended.

Karen White 4/7/16, 12:53 PM  

In response to Sheila - you know I am biased - but, we've had great talks in our book club, too, because some listen and some read the paper - and some do Whispersync! It really adds another dimension.
Our book club is doing Man Called Ove in May...will look for your review, Sheila.
(Sorry to highjack this conversation.)

Beth F 4/7/16, 12:58 PM  

First, thanks so much to everyone for your kind words. I'm so happy to spread the love of audiobooks to all my fellow readers.

Annnnnnd: I had to laugh about that comment about being too lazy to pick up a book. In fact, audiobooks help me be UNlazy -- as I cook, clean, garden, and take a fitness walk.

Of course we've read the book and are qualified to review and discuss. But those attitudes are why we need more bloggers talking about more audios!

OnDBookshelf 4/7/16, 1:18 PM  

Congratulations on your award. I may not comment here a lot, but I do read your reviews and enjoy each and every one. I started listening to audio about a year ago, and can only agree with every point here. I think I have enjoyed some books more when they are read to me (the narrator can make a huge difference), and I am reading lots more because I can have an audiobook going when I'm on the move, and a paper book (or e-book) when I'm sedentary.

Anonymous,  4/7/16, 4:15 PM  

I am so thrilled for you, congratulations!

Literary Feline 4/7/16, 4:49 PM  

Congratulations! This is so well deserved. I am happy for you!

Les 4/7/16, 5:40 PM  

How exciting! I love audiobooks and can't imagine my life without them. I've listened to so many wonderful narrations of great books, many of which I might have missed out on had I tried the print format. Congratulations, Candace! I know you'll have a fabulous time!

Florinda 4/7/16, 5:55 PM  

Yay! Such awesome news, and so absolutely well-deserved! You're one of my most-trusted audiobook guides. So looking forward to seeing you in Chicago!

N H 4/7/16, 6:11 PM  

Congratulation. We should go dress shopping together. Trying to find one for my son's wedding. Saw some beautiful ones at ModCloth online. Have a wonderful trip to the awards.

Chrisbookarama 4/7/16, 8:04 PM  

Congrats! That's so exciting! I listen to more audiobooks these days than paper books. I don't have time to sit and read anymore.

Nise' 4/7/16, 8:44 PM  

Congratulations! You are so deserving of this award.

Memory 4/7/16, 10:48 PM  

Congratulations! This is well deserved.

Lisa 4/7/16, 11:03 PM  


Melynda@Scratch Made Food! 4/8/16, 7:20 AM  

Congratulations! So very happy to see you recognized for the work you do. I also enjoyed learning more about you.

Daryl 4/8/16, 10:46 AM  


Robin 4/8/16, 12:43 PM  

That is so cool! Congratulations!

The Candid Cover 4/9/16, 7:17 AM  

Wow! This is the coolest thing ever! I love audiobooks as well, but never started reviewing them until recently. I hope that you have a fabulous time! :)

TP 4/9/16, 8:50 PM  

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so excited for you :-)

Kailana 4/9/16, 10:44 PM  

Congratulations! Definitely deserved!

Iliana 4/10/16, 5:24 PM  

Congratulations! How awesome!

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 4/13/16, 2:51 AM  

Congratulations! A well-deserved award. I'm a big audio fan (for many of the reasons Sheila already stated) and find your recommendations helpful when I'm deciding between print or audio.

(Diane) bookchickdi 4/13/16, 10:10 AM  

Wow, congratulations, they couldn't have chosen a better blogger for the honor. Enjoy the Audies gala, I hope you post photos of the big evening.

Lorelei King 4/13/16, 1:27 PM  

Congratulations! So grateful for all you do for our industry. :)

Laurie C 4/14/16, 8:30 AM  

I'm just catching up on my email, and am only seeing this now. Congratulations!!!! A VERY much deserved honor for you! I hope we can somehow attend this event through Armchair BEA...

Tina 5/16/16, 2:28 PM  

I'd buy you a drink if I were closer but that offer will always stand.....maybe I can travel one day. You have enlightened me about so many different books and I value your reviews and opinions very much. Well deserved! Congratulations!

Anonymous,  6/24/16, 5:32 PM  

Congratulations, Beth and I'm so glad to have found you. I'm relatively new and finding my way in the world of audiobook narration. It's so reassuring to know that people like you exist, so dedicated to the industry and to advancing the craft of narration. Thank you!

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