16 July 2016

Weekend Cooking: The Irish Pub (Documentary)

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The Irish Pub: Documentary Film Review
July: When it's too hot to cook in an un-air-conditioned house. That's me right now.

After a week of salads and grilling, I don't have any recipes or cookbooks to share today, but I did watch a delightful documentary from Alex Fegan called The Irish Pub. Ahhh to have a cold pint with good friends and let the conversation turn to something innocuous like the weather.

In The Irish Pub, we travel around Ireland meeting pub owners and their customers and visiting the ubiquitous community gathering place. I loved this look at Ireland, and I learned quite a bit too.

For example, do you know what a snug is? Were you aware that many pubs owners are multifuncitonal, serving up pints as well as acting as undertakers and grocers? Do you know what makes a good pint?

The Irish Pub: Documentary Film ReviewAlthough some pubs started to modernize in the 1960s, many traditional family-owned businesses stayed the same, and their patrons are thankful. The Irish Pub makes it clear that the village pub is one of the most important links in connecting a community and is a place where young and old can meet to discuss whatever is on their minds. Some pubs are the keepers of local history; others foster local music and musicians. All offer friendship and support.

Oh how I wish I lived in a community with a local hangout. Instead my town has a transient nature, and we lack a pub, where "everybody knows your name." Most Irish towns and cities, however, still harbor traditional establishments, many of which have stayed in the same family for generations.

Pour yourself a Guinness and download The Irish Pub from your favorite streaming service. It's a wonderful and charming look at one of Ireland's long-standing traditions. (Note: you might want to put on closed captioning if you're not used to an Irish brogue.)


Mae Travels 7/16/16, 6:53 AM  

Irish pubs used to be very smoky but if I'm not mistaken, new anti-smoking regulations have made them a lot more welcoming for the breathing pub goer. Appealing video!

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

bermudaonion 7/16/16, 6:55 AM  

This sounds wonderful. We have a good friend who's from Limerick and he says the local pub is the only thing he misses about home.

rhapsodyinbooks 7/16/16, 7:08 AM  

Sounds very fun. And of course makes me want to go to one! (in Ireland, that is!)

Tina 7/16/16, 7:33 AM  

Love it! We took a photo of a sign reading pub, undertaker and grocer when we were in a small town. We've been before the smoking ban in pubs and afterwards. Both were wonderful trips. We tend to seek out the rural areas and the people are magnificently friendly.

(Diane) bookchickdi 7/16/16, 9:45 AM  

My husband and I made a trip to Ireland years ago with his father and we had a wonderful time hanging out in the Irish pubs.

Jackie McGuinness 7/16/16, 10:02 AM  

I was born in Ireland and we go back often to visit. I love pubs and knew the answer to most of the questions you posed.
I will look for this.

Katherine P 7/16/16, 11:14 AM  

Oh this looks fun! I haven't been to Ireland yet but I hope to within the next few years and visiting an Irish pub is definitely high up on my list. Until then I can visit with the documentary!

Deb in Hawaii 7/16/16, 11:30 AM  

It does sound like a fun foodie documentary (adding it to my list) and I like your warning about closed captioning for the brogue-impaired. ;-) In my neighborhood the local hangout is a coffee shop--but I totally get the appeal of the power of community connection.

Two posts this week for me--a book review/recipe and some unusual jam.

Claudia 7/16/16, 11:35 AM  

I so enjoyed our trip to Ireland, and the pubs are fun. Honolulu also has a couple of delightful Irish pubs, with music which right now are calling my name. Planning a visit in a few weeks.

Nan 7/16/16, 5:45 PM  

I have it in my queue and look forward to seeing it.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity 7/16/16, 8:08 PM  

This sounds like a great watch! Scott and I went to Ireland a few years ago and really loved it...and we stopped at a number of pubs--actually sought them out! Not that we're particularly big drinkers, but Scott loved the food and I loved the people watching. Some were quiet--we saw young kids doing homework while their parents caught up after a day at work--and some were quite raucous. I bet watching this would spark a bit of nostalgia (though I don't know the answers to any of the questions you asked!!).

Heidenkind 7/17/16, 11:42 PM  

I went to Ireland last year and I loved the pubs!

Plodit Wholesale 7/18/16, 7:04 AM  

This sounds great, I really love this post about Irish Pub.
wholesale books

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