03 October 2016

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: What I'm Reading Now

What I'm reading nowWhat's happening with me: Hello, my friends. In case you were wondering, the publishing industry is robust and active. At least it is my little world. I've been busier lately than I have been since before the 2008 downturn.

This, of course, is a really, really good thing for me . . . and for all of us. What it's not a good thing for is my commenting on your blogs. I am so beat at night that when I get around to doing some blog hopping on my tablet, I'm just too lazy to use the on-screen keyboard to let you know I've been around.

You may have also noticed a lot of round-ups on Beth Fish Reads and not so many reviews. I am still reading, and I have several audiobook and print/eBook reviews to write. However, by the time dinner's over, the last thing I want to do is to head back into my office to sit in front of the computer yet again.

I have no intention of letting this blog go, but I'm struggling with time issues and need to rethink my blogging strategy. I might switch to writing blog posts over the weekend or I may decide on lunchtime writing. In any case, blogging after work (what I've done for eight years) isn't really working this fall.

What I read in September: Audiobooks are my friend! (You already knew that.) I listened to 93.5 hours of audiobooks in September, even with my busy work schedule. I didn't do a lot of print reading, but that's okay.

  • The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin: a fantasy
  • Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton: a memoir
  • Tea Planter's Wife by Dinah Jeffries: historical fiction
  • Blackout by Mira Grant: dystopian
  • The Fortunes by Peter Ho Davies: literary fiction (set in four time periods)
  • Real Food, Fake Food by Larry Olmstead: nonfiction
  • Cruel Beautiful World by Caroline Leavitt: literary fiction (set around 1970)
  • Some Tame Gazelle by Barbara Pym: literary fiction
What I'm reading now

What I'm reading now:
  • I bailed on Thrones & Bones: Frostborn by Lou Anders. The audio was a little too enthusiastic for me and I just wasn't hooked by the idea that board games held significance in that world. I may come back it later.
  • I'm listening to Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. Okay, this one captured my attention. Three sisters (triplets), each with different magical abilities and all in line for the throne. Only one can remain alive to rule.
  • I've just started The Guineveres by Sarah Domet. I wanted to read this because (1) It's an Amy Einhorn book (Flatiron), (2) I like the premise of four orphans, all named Guinevere, who become friends and dream of a brighter future, and (3) the writing is beautiful.
  • The Comet Seekers by Helen Sedgwick, which I started reading way back in June before life got crazy. I'm going to finish it this month: ice, comets, nonchronological plot, the bond of a deep relationship.
What's at the top of your reading list?


Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 10/3/16, 7:46 AM  

I hear you on your blog strategy needing to evolve based on your time commitments. I'm having similar issues as my "writing" time has shrunk considerably with my kids' new schedules.

I've been seeing The Guineveres everywhere lately and I just finished Cruel Beautiful World...will be interested to hear your thoughts (I was disappointed).

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 10/3/16, 7:48 AM  

I love this and I hate this. I'm really happy to know you are so busy at work, but I'm sorry you are having less time to spend on your blog.

I typically write up my posts for the week on the weekend and then revise them a bit the night before I push publish. That tends to work for me.

Les 10/3/16, 7:53 AM  

I have the same problem with commenting! I read the posts on my Nook, but hate typing a comment on the screen keyboard. I usually save the ones I really want to comment on for later in the evening, but eventually those pile up and I wind up marking them read. Being busy is a good thing, but a few extra hours in the day would be lovely, wouldn't it? Glad your freelance business is hopping. My husband is excited about a possible freelance editing job after he retires next year. I had a feeling he wouldn't be content being retired 100%. You can only fish so much. ;)

Kailana 10/3/16, 8:14 AM  

I took a chance and grabbed The Comet Seekers, so I hope you like it!! My copy is preordered, but not out yet.

Majanka Verstraete 10/3/16, 8:22 AM  

Three Dark Crowns is on my wishlist. The plot just sounds so interesting. I hope you enjoy it!

My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

bermudaonion 10/3/16, 8:43 AM  

I'm glad to see you're so busy! I got The Guineveres at SIBA and am really looking forward to it.

Laurel-Rain Snow 10/3/16, 9:31 AM  

I am amazed that people who work outside their homes everyday blog as much as they do! I didn't start blogging until three years after I had retired. Then it consumed me, filling in the available time in my days.

I enjoy your posts...hope you find a way to keep writing them.

I loved Cruel Beautiful World. Thanks for sharing your books and your thoughts...and for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week!

Kathy Martin 10/3/16, 2:04 PM  

I seem to rethink my blogging strategy each fall. Right now I'm blogging it the afternoons as I'm only working half days the first semester of school. Working full time next semester will require readjusting again. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Kathryn T 10/3/16, 2:16 PM  

Readers like yourself who have busy work lives amaze me at what you fit in. You sure need something else in the evening rather than a computer!

Debbie 10/3/16, 5:01 PM  

I always have a hard time making comments-- or answering them. Time is always a concern, especially when you have weekly commitments like Weekend Cooking. I don't know how you do it already!

Susie | Novel Visits 10/3/16, 9:00 PM  

I really liked The Guineveres and am reviewing it tomorrow. The Comet Seekers is one I've gone back and forth on. I'll be interested to hear what you think of it.

Jane @ www.raincitylibrarian.ca 10/3/16, 9:50 PM  

I feel the same way - after a long day spent mostly in front of a computer, I often can't bring myself to sit in front of a computer in the evenings!

Nise' 10/3/16, 10:39 PM  

Being busy with work is a good thing. September was a great audio month for me with my son's wedding and family visiting didn't allow much reading time.

Unknown 10/4/16, 3:08 AM  

Busy times! I hope you manage to get some good reading time in. I have The Tea Planter's Wife on my TBR shelf. I hope to get to it sometime soon as I really enjoyed The Separation by the same author.
Have a great reading week!
Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

Daryl 10/4/16, 9:19 AM  

i have been so busy at the office that when i get home i veg out .. but i have been reading on the subway and so slowly i am making my way through Empire of Storms .. no rush (aside from having several other books waiting to be read) since there's another book after this likely diue out next year ....

Margot 10/6/16, 11:24 PM  

I understand your blogging diiemma. There have been times when my blog felt like a job. It's those times when I've had to pull back and change things. I'm sure you'll come to a solution.

I have The Guineveres coming from the library. Everyone seems to love it.

(Diane) bookchickdi 10/9/16, 4:04 PM  

I just finished Cruel Beautiful World and loved it.

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