21 November 2016

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: This & That

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: This & ThatIf you're in the USA, are you ready for the holiday? This is going to be a short week for those of us who celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday. I think we've finished our food and wine shopping, but I can always send Mr. BFR out to the store if I forgot something.

I'm sorry to report I had to delete a hate comment over the weekend. Apparently someone took offense at my review of an audiobook about Genghis Khan. The comment had religious overtones, which is ironic because the khan was a proponent of religious freedom. Ah well. I'm moving on now.

The never-ending book organizing. I am still working on my big merge of my three databases into Libib. My dream? By the end of the year, I want all my audiobooks, eBooks, and print books to be organized into one easily searchable place. I have my print books under control and I'm about half through my eBooks. The project has been eating into my reading time, but I am determined!

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: This & ThatIn other news. Yes, that photo to the right is actual, real snow on what was left of my sage. On Saturday morning it was warm enough to sit outside in the sun and have a chat with a neighbor; by evening there were snow flurries, and by Sunday afternoon, we had accumulations. I guess it's time to dig out all my sweaters.

Reading woes. I've been working like crazy to catch up from being away earlier this month and to get ahead because of Thanksgiving. What that means is very little reading is getting done around here. But I did find the time to listen to two audiobooks. I really liked the messages in Holding up the Universe by Jennifer Niven, and narrators Jorjeana Marie and Robbie Daymond were great at conveying teen emotion. I had mixed feelings about Paulo Coelhe's The Spy. Hillary Hubar and Paul Boehmer were fine as narrators, but the story itself lacked tension. I reviewed both books on Litsy and for AudioFile magazine and may also review here.

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: This & That

What's up this week. I haven't planned out my posts this week, but I have a couple of ideas for some book lists, a photo for Wednesday, and a food or cooking related review on Saturday.  I've been thinking about a gift-giving post, my most anticipated books for December, and (of course) my best-of-the-year lists, which I usually post in early December. This has been such a television-filled few months (politics, Olympics, World Series, and more) that I'm looking forward to settling into the long winter evenings of listening to quiet music and reading. Enough with the talking heads.


Sarah's Book Shelves 11/21/16, 7:43 AM  

Yay for Olympics as a best of 2016!

JoAnn 11/21/16, 8:09 AM  

There's been no escaping televised news and events over the past few months! I'm looking forward to a quieter winter, too, free from political debates and other spectacles. We've had 12" of snow since yesterday afternoon and it's still falling... winter is here. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mr. BFR :)

Bibliophile 11/21/16, 8:36 AM  

I wish we hand a public holiday in October or November. I think three months without one is too long (Sept., Oct., Nov. are all holiday-free in Iceland).

Sorry to hear about the hate comment. I occasionally get them on my cooking blog, due to posting traditional recipes for cooking cute and cuddly wildlife like whales and puffins. Sometimes they can be quite entertaining in their stupidity, but usually they're just loathsome. I don't know why people bother to post such stuff when the comments are obviously moderated.

Good luck with the book-organising. Just keep thinking how good it will feel once you're finished!

(Diane) bookchickdi 11/21/16, 8:48 AM  

I so agree with you about the talking heads, it's time for me to get back to reading.

Susie | Novel Visits 11/21/16, 8:50 AM  

I'd love to know more about your organization system with Libib. I have to do something to organize the books I've read. I waste far too much time looking through past journals, etc. This may be a project for me next month when I have some time off.

Sorry about the hate comment. That's just plain wrong.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kailana 11/21/16, 8:52 AM  

I did really well putting my physical shelves on Libib, but then stalled on the virtual TBR. Need to get back on that.

bermudaonion 11/21/16, 9:03 AM  

Sorry to hear about the ugly comment - it's so unnecessary to do something like that.

I'm not reading either. Last week at the beach was all about spending time with my mom and sister and this week is crazy busy for us. I figure the books will be there later.

Tina 11/21/16, 11:26 AM  

I am very much looking forward to your Best Of lists coming up. Listening to music in the evenings is soothing and highly recommended.
Honestly, I couldn't have imagined giving up satellite TV years back but once we did, I started reading more and exploring more musical genres. We sit and enjoy a bourbon or glass of wine and listen to blues, David Gilmore, James McMurtry or whatever we fancy. It's relaxing and we just talk.

That's such crap that people feel it's ok to leave a nasty comment. Good for you deleting it and moving on. #bah !

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 11/21/16, 2:39 PM  

I like your ideas for posts for the month. I should work on those this week while I have time.

Sad to hear about an ugly comment. That is such a rare thing on book blogs. Quite the different story for my son and sports blogs.

rhapsodyinbooks 11/21/16, 4:38 PM  

Well it seems to be Ugly Comment Time in America.

Greg 11/21/16, 6:18 PM  

We got snow here too, not a lot but enough. It got windy and we even had hail- fun stuff. :) And I'm very ready for Thanksgiving- a short week plus a feast plus food coma, er, movie watching = blis ha ha.

Sorry to hear about the hate comment- I liked that post. Didn't know that about Genghis. And good luck with the organizing!

Nise' 11/21/16, 9:48 PM  

It is hard to believe that it is time to think about the favorites of the year posts. Our snow did not stick. I can wait a bit longer. Sorry about the ugly comment. Got my Thanksgiving shopping done today. Hope your celebration is wonderful.

Unknown 11/22/16, 7:27 AM  

Wow snow, that is exciting! It's really warmer up my way, Summer is almost here.

I love that you included the new Paulo Coelho book in your selection this week. I can't wait for it, I just adore his writing!

Have a nice week!

Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

Daryl 11/22/16, 8:20 AM  

trolls abound on the internets .. sorry one was here

i am ready for thanksgiving - aside from cleaning house - because i dont cook .. nope, no cooking here not for a long time .. but i do a great order in ... my sister brings dessert and Eli Zabar does the prep/cooking .. i heat it up and serve it .. ta da

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