09 January 2017

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: Brrrr, It's Cold Out There

Books for JanuaryThe freezing temperatures and high winds have pushed the wind chill factor below zero. It's way too cold to walk and take the camera out, so I switched gears this weekend. I spent Saturday afternoon with hot tea, an audiobook, and my knitting needles. I cast on to make myself a winter hat, and it and the book were finished by bedtime. Pretty much heaven.

I have a busy week coming up: a full editing schedule, a freelance review, and a couple of appointments. I'm not sure how much print reading I'll get done, but I'll have audiobook time when I'm in the car, while I'm cooking, and in the evening.

The Books I Finished Last Week

Books for January

Reviews for all of these will appear soon(ish) on the blog.
  • The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden (Del Rey): A complex fairy tale within a fairy tale retelling set in medieval Russia. So, so good.
  • Leopard at the Door by Jennifer McVeigh (Putnam): Based on true events, this novel takes place in Kenya after the war. I couldn't put it down.
  • Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin (translated by Megan McDowell; Riverhead): A very short book that is a little bit thriller, a little bit mystery, and a whole lot creepy. I read this all in one go.
  • Dead Cold Brew by Cleo Coyle (Berkley): A fun culinary-type mystery set in a coffeehouse in New York City. Great escape reading.
Recent Library Books

Books for January

I'm hoping to read these before I have to return them. I guess I'd better get started.
  • Skinnytaste Fast & Slow by Gina Homolka and Heather K. Jones (Clarkson Potter): So many of you have sung the praises of Skinnytaste that I finally checked the latest book out of the library. Hoping this will give me some good weekday dinner ideas.
  • Cooking for Jeffrey by Ina Garten (Clarkson Potter): I'm a huge Ina Garten fan and decided to check her newest collection of recipes out of the library before buying it.
  • Gentlemen & Players by Joanne Harris (William Morrow): My friend Amanda from The Zen Leaf, alerted me to this book last week. I was lucky enough to snag a copy from the library.
  • Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube by Blair Braverman (Ecco): A memoir by a California native who found her true home in the far northern regions of the world.
What's Up This Week

If you're a mystery fan, be sure to come back tomorrow for a giveaway (United States & Canada addresses only). Besides my Wednesday photo, I plan at least one review at the end of the week. I'm thinking of a cookbook review for Weekend Cooking, but I might write about the memoir Mincemeat.


Sarah's Book Shelves 1/9/17, 7:35 AM  

I've been hearing about both Fever Dream and Leopard at the Door. I think Leopard sounds more my speed...will have to check it out!

And hope you're surviving the cold!

Bibliophile 1/9/17, 7:49 AM  

I spent my Saturday sipping hot coffee, catching up on my BBC podcasts and crocheting a scarf. Sunday morning I took a look at the scarf, noted that I had 10 more balls of the same yarn that I needed to find use for (there was this sale...), and decided to continue and turn it into a blanket. Sometimes cold weather is not such a bad thing :-)

Kailana 1/9/17, 8:08 AM  

I am trying to concentrate on my TBR for at least the first 6 months of the year. Then I may start going to the library again. We will see how that goes!

JoAnn 1/9/17, 8:18 AM  

Your Saturday sounds just about perfect to me, and the hat is gorgeous (saw the photo on IG). So many good books there - The Bear and the Nightingale is everywhere, the new Jennifer McVeigh sounds good, and I still need to try Cleo Coyle! Hope you like skinnytaste - her recipes are always a hit here. Love Ina!

Kay 1/9/17, 8:41 AM  

Yes, cold seems to have reigned all over this last weekend. I know that we are spoiled here in Central Texas, but we got down to 16, with a windchill of 4. Too cold for me. I love Cleo Coyle's coffeehouse books. I'm a few behind. Maybe will catch up this year. Good time for reading about coffee. I'm also interested in the Joanne Harris book and the Leopard book.

Susie | Novel Visits 1/9/17, 8:51 AM  

Your Saturday sounds perfect. I wish I knew how to knit! I keep hearing about Fever Dreams and have been interested in it, now even more so. Hope your week gets a little warmer!

Katherine P 1/9/17, 9:08 AM  

Welcome to the God Damn Ice Cube sounds really fun and perfect for this time of year! I have The Bear and the Nightingale and Dead Cold Brew on my TBR. I also need to check out Ina Garten's book. I always have great luck with her recipes. These look like perfect cold weather reading!

Unknown 1/9/17, 10:34 AM  

I will agree your Saturday sounded perfect. I don't have a handcraft really...I do know how to cross stitch but haven't done it in years and might have to up my contact RX..LOL. My audiobook listening is also while cooking or cleaning or getting myself ready. You finished books are full of titles I keep seeing but I really can't ass more books to my piles or wish lists! I hope the Skinny Taste cook book will lead you to some good meals, I think I'll check this out at the library too, I love her regular book but I don't use my slow cooker enough.
Happy reading!

rhapsodyinbooks 1/9/17, 11:04 AM  

Put all four of the ones you finished last week on my library request list. They all sound great!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 1/9/17, 12:27 PM  

That's how I like to spend a Saturday. And you certainly have lots of good books for this cold spell.

Kathy Martin 1/9/17, 2:00 PM  

Ina Garten is a favorite of mine too. I'm not much of a cook but love cookbooks with lots of pretty pictures (somehow my attempts never look like the pictures though). Come see my week here. Happy reading!

Reading with Jade 1/9/17, 3:01 PM  

That sure does sound like a lovely way to spend the weekend - hoping warmer weather is on its way to you.

I've seen The Bear and the Nightingale about a bit this past week or so; I like the concept of fairytale retellings so will have to look into that one a bit more.

Happy reading!

Nise' 1/9/17, 3:36 PM  

Both The Bear & the Nightingale and Leopard at the Door are on my get to soon list!

Greg 1/9/17, 5:35 PM  

It's that time of year when it's just about too cold to go out and do anything! Or so I tell myself lol. It's been cold here too although at least the lake effect snow showers have stopped... for now. Hope you have a great start to the week!

Dead Cold Brew looks fun!

Laurel-Rain Snow 1/9/17, 7:12 PM  

I've read good things about Leopard at the Door...and I've enjoyed some cozies by Cleo Coyle.

Enjoy! Thanks for sharing...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

Laurie C 1/9/17, 9:45 PM  

I feel like I'm living in an ice cube right now, so I think I'll pass on that one! California sounds better to me! I've been wanting to try Cleo Coyle's books for a while now. Will check for your future review!

(Diane) bookchickdi 1/10/17, 9:27 AM  

I just finished Trevor Noah's Born A Crime, so I think Leopard at the Door would be a good companion read.

Unknown 1/10/17, 2:34 PM  

I was going to request The Bear and the Nightingale in Netgalley but wasn't sure. You make it sound like I should :) I got Cooking for Jeffrey by Ina Garten (Clarkson Potter) for Christmas! Looking forward to your review Beth.

Daryl 1/11/17, 9:19 AM  

i spent part of saturday beautifying and the second half curled up on the couch with tea cats and my husband watching some good movies ..

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