14 March 2020

Weekend Cooking: Prepping for COVID-19

Weekend Cooking with Beth Fish ReadsHappy Pi/Pie day! I hope at least a few of you share a yummy pie recipe in celebration.

I spent last week working on clearing out my mother's house. We still have a lot to do, but we made great progress. Unfortunately, not much cooking or reading happened last week. When I wasn't sorting papers or running things to Goodwill, I was working at my paying jobs.

My brothers and I had take-out every night. Ugh. I'm so ready for home-cooked food that isn't loaded with salt.

When I got back to Pennsylvania, I realized the BFR household was woefully behind in stashing food away in case of self-quarantine or other COVID-19 emergency. I made a list and sent Mr. BFR out into the world to do what he could.

Have you stocked up on food in case your area is put on restricted movement? If so, what did you get?

Weekend Cooking with Beth Fish ReadsWe didn't go crazy buying up everything we could think of. I'm not a food hoarder, but I always have some canned tomato products, tuna, sardines, and lots of dried beans and legumes. I also have meat in the freezer, and ingredients for baking.

What I was concerned about was fruit and vegetables, which we generally buy fresh. Thus the frozen food aisle was the focus of our concentration. We picked up a variety of frozen veggies and fruit. We also bought an extra dozen eggs, some grains, and two bags of coffee.

I may be naive, but I sincerely doubt that we'll be without food completely. In any case, I'm not very worried about starving. As long as I have my coffee, I'll be a happy camper. And if worse comes to worse, I can always turn to my tea stash.

Weekend Cooking hosted by www.BethFishReads.comWeekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

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Marg 3/14/20, 6:08 AM  

We've bought a few things but just to get through a couple of weeks. We'll deal with what comes as necessary

GypsyPlate 3/14/20, 6:24 AM  

I don't have any pie recipes, instead posting something for St Patty's day. Stay safe, everyone!

Brona 3/14/20, 6:47 AM  

I bought a few tinned products, an extra box of rolled oats, some soup and a big box of cold & flu tablets. Didn’t think to get toilet paper though - can’t get any here for love or money! Ridiculous!

rhapsodyinbooks 3/14/20, 7:01 AM  

We are also very dependent on fresh and perishable food. It will be interesting (and painful) to see how that category is affected by everything.

bermudaonion 3/14/20, 8:04 AM  

Lack of produce is my biggest worry, too. We've bought a few things but haven't gone overboard. Surely grocery stores will still be open and delivery will be available.

Mae Travels 3/14/20, 8:22 AM  

You seem to have had a very difficult week -- that's a very hard thing to do. Sad that the whole world is in such bad shape to welcome you back into daily life. I hope all goes well and you -- and the rest of the world -- can get back to normal.

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Tina 3/14/20, 10:15 AM  

That’s hard, clean out your mothers home and all the stress of that plus this virus scare. I’m glad you are back home and I hope things start to calm down. Great idea on the frozen foods. We have some but I think more wi e is needed!

Jackie McGuinness 3/14/20, 10:23 AM  

We also stocked up on canned tomatoes!
We're self-isolating, mostly. Everything is closed in Toronto anyway!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! 3/14/20, 10:36 AM  

We shop once a month (out of town, with a better-priced selection) as we are quite rural, with exception to a quick run into our little town for a few fresh items in the middle of the week. Never been panicked, but I am usually prepared. We will be eating more soup for more fluids and more vegetables for increases vitamins.

Claudia 3/14/20, 11:04 AM  

Living on an island, we pretty much always have an emergency store of essentials. I do believe though that much of this present scare is media driven. Supposedly a vaccine is imminent.

Deb in Hawaii 3/14/20, 11:53 AM  

I went to the store last night on the way home from work for mostly normal groceries but a few things to reinforce my usual pantry. Like many of you, I keep a good stock of items here. I was blown away by the amount and what was sold out. No canned soup and ramen (I wasn't shopping for it but it's on the same aisle as the "International foods" and I needed tamari. ;-) I did try to grab farfalle for a particular dish but there were about six boxes of lasagna noodles and one multi-grain penne and the rest was gone along with most of the sauce, but plenty of canned tomatoes. I needed tissues and that was the only thing in the paper aisle and of course the canned fish and SPAM were depleted. It strikes me that there was no issue on any perishables--frozen foods, meat & produce were all well-stocked. So interesting! Hope you all stay safe and healthy!

Amanda 3/14/20, 3:48 PM  

Shortages are weird here. On Thursday, I went to do a mini-grocery shop for a few supplies we were out of. We knew toilet paper would be low, and it was, but we had plenty at home so I wasn't worried. Laurence noticed that eggs were low and almost gone, which DOES affect us. There were people shopping around ramen, canned meats, and peanut butter, but otherwise the shelves were fine. The next day, everything began to close in San Antonio, and so we decided to do our weekend shopping early. The produce area was completely out of everything. Almost all the bread was gone, and definitely all the tortillas. Pasta, gone; canned foods of all kinds, gone; milk, almost gone; eggs, gone; meat, almost cleared out, etc. So Jason grabbed what he could and got some frozen things for emergency meals as well. We should be fine, but it's crazy out there. In fact, the lady in front of Jason in line actually leapt over the cart in front of her because a passing customer nearly took some bags out of the lady's cart, things that had already been paid for. !!! This is weird behavior from people here. I'm not planning to stay indoors because I know being outdoors and fitness in general can help boost your immune system, but otherwise, we're staying pretty isolated.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 3/14/20, 8:44 PM  

We stocked up on staples last week through Amazon Prime Pantry as well as Chewy.com (for the pets). I also signed up for Stop & Shop's Peapod home delivery of groceries, which was quite reasonable $6.95 per delivery. Since there is just 2 of us I figure we can order every 2 weeks or so and avoid people. (They've closed school, libraries, seniors centers etc already).

(Diane) bookchickdi 3/15/20, 5:52 PM  

The grocery stores in NYC were fine on Thursday and totally insane on Friday. Shelves emptied, it looked like a hurricane went through them. By Saturday most were restocked. God bless those hardworking grocery store workers- cashiers, stockers, managers- they are working hard.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 3/20/20, 7:33 AM  

We have enough kale in our garden to last us a long time. Things would have to really get bad for people to steal kale.

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