03 April 2020

Off the Shelf; or What's New in My Corner of the World #10

What's new at Beth Fish ReadsHi guys! Just a quick check-in today to say that all is fine in the BFR household. I know I have barely posted anything recently, and I wanted to pop in to give you all an update.

Work and play. Traditionally, mid-February to mid-April is my really busy time with work. In other years, I've managed to both work and blog, but this year, with all that is going on in my life and in the world, I had to let something slide for a little bit. For 2020, that meant not blogging.

Like everyone, we've been practicing social distancing and haven't left the house much at all. Mr. BFR has taken a few bike rides, and I've done a little walking. Other than that, we've kept to ourselves except for an occasional grocery run.

Reading. I haven't had the concentration to read much in print/digital, though I've listened to eight. audiobooks over the last month or so. I hope to write a quick post about my thoughts soon . . . maybe this coming Monday. I spent an hour or so last night organizing my April-release books. There are some good titles coming out right now, and I'm looking forward to sharing my top picks with you.

Watching. If you get Hulu, you really should give Little Fires Everywhere a try. The series is based on Celeste Ng's book, which was a powerful read. The show is really well done and worth your time. We're also watching Outlander and lots of news.

Other things. We were very lucky to have sold my mother's house in the current climate. Just by chance in early March we heard about someone who was interested in a house in my mom's neighborhood, and we were able to have a showing before the house went on the market. We did the usual haggling and came to an agreed-on price. Contracts have been signed, and the house passed inspection. The entire place must be cleaned out by mid-May, which means I'll have to take another trip to Ohio during these trying times. I'll be driving, and I hope to have little or no contact with anyone until I get to the house. I'm even bringing food with me so I don't have to shop there.

I hope you all are staying home and staying healthy. For those of you with children, I wish you the best with homeschooling. On Wednesday of next week, over at the AudioFile Magazine blog, I'm recommending some good nonfiction that can be used with school units for teens and older learners. I'll have some middle grade suggestions here on Beth Fish Reads sometime in April.

I'll be back tomorrow with a Weekend Cooking post. Until then, wash your hands & don't touch your face. 


bermudaonion 4/3/20, 7:54 AM  

You would think readers would love all this social isolation but it seems everyone is having trouble concentrating. We're having groceries delivered so only leave the house to walk and to work at our store. (We're featuring contactless curbside sales right now.)

What wonderful news on the house! I'm sure that's a relief.

Mae Travels 4/3/20, 8:24 AM  

Amazing that you could sell the house. Good luck with the trip to clean it out, which is always stressful in the best of times!

be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Amanda 4/3/20, 9:11 AM  

I'm really glad to hear that you were able to sell the house. Jason and I realized just how lucky we were to sell our house less than a month before all this quarantine stuff began, because the market has gone haywire and it would have been really, really bad to still have a house on the market right now (since we'd already bought and moved into a new place). I hope your upcoming trip to Ohio goes well and you and your SO continue to stay safe and well and healthy.

SuziQoregon 4/3/20, 9:27 AM  

I’m glad the house sale went through but that trip to Ohio will be challenging. Good luck!

I’ve haven’t been able to concentrate on reading either. The majority of my reading these past few weeks has been audiobooks while working on jigsaw puzzles.

sherry fundin 4/3/20, 9:53 AM  

i'm glad the house thing worked out and you have a good plan. take care
sherry @ fundinmental

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea 4/3/20, 11:03 AM  

I think any of us readers are having trouble concentrating. I'm finding it easier to listen to audiobooks before bed and while walking. At home I stare in space and am too easily distracted from print - most days.

Stay safe while traveling to OH. Happy you sold the house easily though.

rhapsodyinbooks 4/3/20, 1:13 PM  

Great news about the house!

JoAnn 4/3/20, 2:49 PM  

Glad to hear you and Mr. BFR are at home and healthy. Print reading seems to be a problem for so many of us right now, but I'm thankful for audios. My daily walk while listening keep my sane. Congratulations on selling your mother's house... the timing was perfect. It's going to be a long time before people can buy or sell real estate, I'm afraid. Both of our daughters in Manhattan came to stay with us a few weeks ago. Right now their companies are expecting this work-from-home situation to continue through May. Stay well!

Kay 4/3/20, 3:42 PM  

Glad to hear what you'v been up to and I wish you luck in clearing out the house. Definitely fortunate to have sold it. Take care and I'll be thinking of you as you travel.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 4/4/20, 11:35 AM  

I'm glad to hear you are doing well. None of us seem to be having much luck with reading or blogging, but I hope to do better this week.

Iliana 4/4/20, 12:23 PM  

Glad to hear all is well in your world. It's so crazy what we have to get used to now right? We try to only do grocery runs once a week as well. Just so grateful both my husband and I can work from home. Stay safe!

Les in Oregon 4/4/20, 4:54 PM  

What a relief to get that house sold, but I'm sorry you have to take that trip to Ohio to get it cleaned out.

I've been listening to Little Fires Everywhere and am enjoying the narration. I plan to eventually watch the show on Hulu, but probably not right after I finish the audiobook. I'm still watching This Is Us, so I have plenty to keep me entertained.

I look forward to warmer and dryer weather so I can get out on my bike. Until then, I bundle up (we're still in the 40s) and go for long walks while listening to audiobooks. I'm so thankful for that technology and for living in such a beautiful place to shelter in place.

Take good care, Candace.

Tina 4/5/20, 5:31 PM  

Be careful heading to Ohio. Great idea to take your own food. Maybe you should get wine while you are there. But that’s a trip into a store so... not sure it’s worth it.

I’ve been steadily reading and I’m a lazy thing about getting reviews up promptly.

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