29 May 2020

Off the Shelf; Or What's New in My Part of the World 11

Off the Shelf at Beth Fish ReadsHappy Friday, friends. I hope you are staying safe and healthy. My town is slowly opening up a bit, but we in the BFR household are committed to self-isolation for a while longer. The only thing I'm going to venture out for is visiting a local greenhouse to buy some plants for my deck. It looks so bare out there without flowers.

Last weekend I had ambitious plans to read four books in four days. That, of course, didn't really work out, though I have been doing some reading, which I'll talk about on Monday.

Other than that, here's what I've been up to.

Grateful for: Being able to afford grocery delivery. Though I still go shopping every 10 days or so to pick out my own fresh produce and meat -- shopping services aren't as picky as I am.

Trying: Our outdoor farmers' markets have opened, and next week I'm going try the order-ahead, contact-less pickup option from my favorite market. If it goes smoothly, I'll be avoiding the grocery stores completely.

Enjoying: New deck and porch furniture. We bought a new dinning table for our deck and are loving the new sleeker look. Meanwhile, Mr. BFR's quarantine projects have been to build a new table for our deck fountain (photos on Instagram in a few days) and two new benches for the porch. Maybe we'll be able to have friends over before summer's end.

Off the Shelf at Beth Fish ReadsOrganizing: It took me a few weeks, but I've finally gone through all my mother's recipe clippings, binders, and boxes. I narrowed down her collection to a reasonable pile, which still needs to be sorted into categories and either put into my own binders or scanned. I'm in no hurry to finish.

Projects: Just in time for the 90-degree weather, I'm finally going to have a chance to start knitting again. I bought yarn for two projects last fall, thinking I'd have plenty of time to knit this past winter. Life doesn't always cooperate. Fortunately, there is no use-by date on yarn. I also plan to get around to the jigsaw puzzle we bought at Christmas and to get back to my lacing. We'll see how much I get done.

Working: As some of you know, I made the decision to start working part-time. Of course for me, part-time still takes up a good chunk of the day, but I have been taking off weekends and have tried to consistently quit work around lunchtime. It's definitely felt weird not to be in my office in the afternoons, but I'm getting used to it.

What's new in your part of the world?


rhapsodyinbooks 5/29/20, 7:44 AM  

Wow, lots of accomplishments! I wish I could say the same but I'm afraid that between the news lately and the heat (in the hundreds) I seem incapable of doing much at all!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz 5/29/20, 7:50 AM  

You are a role model for all of us. Busy is good. Projects are good. Staying away from people as much as possible is good. We have to find what works for us today and set aside our sadnesses about what is lost for now.

I love your new lawn furniture. We have often talked about a deck. We need to plan this out now, I think.

Amanda 5/29/20, 9:00 AM  

I love your porch and can't wait until we have a nice outdoor space again! Enjoy, can't wait to see the new pics in a few days.

Tina 5/29/20, 9:46 AM  

I'm so glad you've been able to get out on your deck, it's so peaceful sitting outside. You have lots going on and I'm glad you can get the farmers market back too. I love browsing there.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! 5/29/20, 11:33 AM  

I love your deck! I think you have summed up my own reasons for not ordering groceries on line, the staff are busy and simply don't have time to be picky for their clients...we have put together a little kitchen garden out the sliding patio door. I am pretty excited about how it is coming along! Have a great week ahead!

Kay 5/29/20, 4:14 PM  

That's a lovely patio set! So colorful, but it also looks comfortable. Hope you have a good weekend!

Daryl 5/29/20, 6:28 PM  

been WFH since early March ... i am now 'taking off' for my Fridaycations which at first seemed wrong because WFH has been very not hectic or busy but i am up, dressed, waken a walk, p/u Starbucks and at my desk logged into MS Team and Outlook by 8:15 .. so sleeping in on Fridays is still a treat

Marg 5/30/20, 5:51 AM  

I have deck envy....and sunshine envy. I am not ready for the cold weather here.

Les in Oregon 6/1/20, 5:24 PM  

Your new patio furniture is lovely. Isn't it wonderful to have an outdoor room to enjoy the cool mornings or evenings? Enjoy your part-time retirement!

thecuecard 6/2/20, 3:57 PM  

The deck furniture and set-up looks great / perfect for summer. Hope you have a great week .... 90 degree heat is a bit too much, this early!

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