Weekend Cooking: New Beginnings and Links to the Past
Welcome to week whatever it is in the COVID19 reality. I’ve been impressed with how all of us are still able to put nutritious meals on the table and bake up delicious breads and beautiful desserts. We in the BFR household are still doing well, and I hope all of you are too.
Before I explain what the photo at the left is all about, let’s get to some exciting news and then a favor I have to ask.
New Weekend Cooking Host I couldn’t be more thrilled that Marg from the blog The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader has agreed to take over as our new leader here at Weekend Cooking. Marg was one of my earliest blogging buddies—I remember when her college-graduated son was still a young boy. Yikes! Time really flies. Over the years, she has introduced me not only to some wonderful recipes but also to many great books. Marg helped me discover some of my now-favorite Australian authors and great historical fiction, and we both share the (very common) disease known as an “addiction to series.”
Bookmark her blog's URL (www.theintrepidreader.com) and continue to enjoy the fun of Weekend Cooking. She takes over next week! One note: Marg is in Australia, so you may want to adjust your posting time (or not).
A Favor Please Do you have computer graphic skills? Weekend Cooking needs a new button / banner to reflect its new host and new home. Can one of you please help? Get in touch with Marg, either in the comments here or the comments on her blog, and help create our new look. Thanks soooo much to those who volunteer their skills. We really could use your help!
What I’ve Been Up To One thing I learned when clearing out my mother’s house this spring was where I got my
addiction for love of collecting recipes. What you see here are the many notebooks, boxes, and bags of recipe clippings I saved from my mother’s kitchen. My brothers thought I was nuts to pack everything up to take home. “Use the Internet,” they said, as if there were telling me something I didn’t know. But the truth is, I want to go through all these recipes one by one.
Why? Because my mom used to annotate her clippings. Sometimes she recorded her thoughts on how the dish turned out, sometimes she noted the occasion or holiday she made it for, and sometimes she wrote down who her guests were, even if it was one of her kids or grandkids. I’m getting so much pleasure going through these recipes. I’m not sure how many I’ll end up keeping, but the evenings I've spent reading the recipes that caught my mother's eye makes me feel close to her. I’ll let you know if I come across any gems.

NOTE: Mr. Linky sometimes is mean and will give you an error message. He's usually wrong and your link went through just fine the first time. Grrrr.
Well Marg has a tough act to follow but I know she will be great! And I'm sure everyone will join me in voicing (or writing) appreciation for all your contributions over all these past years. I have discovered many wonderful recipes, cookbooks, and other blogs from your posts!
So... this is the last time for you as host of Weekend Cooking! It's been a good time, though I think I was pretty late to the party. I'm looking forward to the continuation on Marg's blog, and I hope people will keep on sharing their ideas, recipes, and reading experiences. Thank you!
As you say, ingenuity in cooking has recently been one of the ways to get through the lockdown fight against the pandemic. For me, writing blog posts about food and reading food books has been part of my coping strategy, as well as cooking. Result: I wrote 4 posts about food books this week (only linked 2).
Your mother's recipes and notes sound like a treasure trove. I've loved having my mother's notes, which were often on the backs of form letters of one kind or another because she didn't waste paper -- one result is that I know when she wrote them by the date on the reverse-side letter. She didn't really use cookbooks or magazines, mostly telephoned her friends and relatives, which makes them very interesting. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.
be well... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Many thanks for hosting for so long!
I love that you are going through your mom's old recipes. It must be wonderful to imagine what she was thinking and doing when she made all her annotations.
I know Marg will do a great job with Weekend Cooking!
I love seeing notes on recipes and wish I'd done that. I'm sure looking through them has brought you much joy.
First, let me sincerely thank you for all the wonderful Saturday mornings of Weekend Cooking that you have hosted. I've been introduced to many new bloggers, many new books, and many new recipes. I am glad that Marg will be taking over, and the fun that you started can continue!! I understand the interest in finding old family recipes that have notes and comments. It's wonderful that you can find some joy in the clearing of your mom's home. Have a great week!
Many thanks for the 10 wonderful years of Weekend Cooking! I'm beyond delighted to hear that Marg is taking over as our new host so Weekend Cooking can continue onward.
I love that you have your mother's recipes. I hope they bring you some comfort during this first Mother's Day since her passing.
Thanks for all you have done Beth. I am very new to the blogging world, but your Weekend Cooking has, more than anything else, made me feel like part of the community. I hope you continue on as a contributer. And big thanks to Marg for keeping the tradition alive!
Oh wow--I had to work last weekend & didn't get a post up so I missed your announcement! Thank you to Marg for taking over hosting and thank you for creating such a fun weekly event. I think it's great you have your mom's recipes to savor--what a treasure. Take care.
PLEASE scan some of your mother's recipes/notes for future posts and to preserve them. I did that with a lot of my mother's stuff.
P.S. thanks for hosting but I know we will still see you at Weekend Cooking. I also see you on Facebook!!!
Stay friends!
Ten years hosting...that's incredible and thanks for introducing me to so many new dishes and friends! Love your mom's handwritten recipes and notations. After my mom died I was given her old beat up recipe box with notations about what worked, substitutions, which were my dad's favorites,etc. It was a true treasure so I am glad you have all those from your mother.
What a wonderful gift to have annotated recipes from your mother. I would be surprised if you didn't find a few gems in all those files! Thank you for hosting Weekend Cooking for all these years. I have found some wonderful recipes thanks to those who have provided links to their sites. And a big thank you to Marg for stepping up to take over for you. It would have been such a shame to see this special place, where we gather around our virtual tables, disappear. Who says nobody blogs anymore! :) Be well.
Thank you so much for all the years you have given to this wonderful meme.
I understand your affinity for your mother's recipes. When my grandma died, each of her grandchildren were allowed to choose something of hers to keep. I chose my grandma's recipe box. When my mom passed away, I did the same.
How wonderful to be able to see your mother's handwritten notes on her recipes, what a gift that must be. I've truly enjoyed reading all the Weekend Cooking posts, thank you for providing an opportunity for this group to get to know each other. I look forward to Marg's hosting.
First, all of those annotated recipe clippings are such a treasure!! I've always gotten extra pleasure from recipes in my mother's, grandmother's, or aunt's hand... along with those written in my own daughters' childish penmanship. Not sure your brothers would understand.
Second Even though my participation has been rare these past few years, I still enjoy reading the posts and am grateful for all you've done to keep Weekend Cooking going for so long.
Thank you, Marg, for taking over. Weekend Cooking is in good hands!
Beyond thrilled that Weekend Cooking will continue and also be able to visit Marg's blog. Thank you, Marg. One of my favorite things about a used cookbook is the notes in the margins...I am glad you are having a good read!
Many thanks for hosting Weekend Cooking! I don't post regularly enough but I've enjoyed looking at everyone's posts and have gotten some great cooking ideas from some!
Will miss the Weekend Cooking posts here but glad you're continuing the tradition and passing the torch to Marg. My grandmother collected tons of clippings. After she passed my aunt created a family cookbook with all of them. I will be highlighting that cookbook in the upcoming weeks. Be well!
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