04 May 2015

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts: What My Family Is Reading

Stacked-Up Book Thoughts are my random notes about books I've read, movies I've watched, books I'm looking forward to, and events I hope to get to.

Even though we're focusing on a hospitalized relative, my family is still reading. Reading offers comfort, a way to escape, and reduces stress.

Here are just a few of the books and magazines that my family and I--aged thirteen to eighty-six--are reading to help ease the long hours at the hospital.

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (Vintage, 1991): my mother and older brother just finished this modern classic because they had a chance to see the author at a local book event. They both recommend it. Frog Music by Emma Donoghue (Little Brown, 2014): my husband is reading this because I thought he might like it. He was not immediately hooked but is giving it a chance. And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini (Riverhead, 2014): my brother's girlfriend is reading this on the recommendation of a friend. She's totally absorbed. The Sasquatch Hunter's Almanac by Sharma Shields (Holt McDougal, 2015): one of my nephews recently read this and convinced my parents to give it a try too. All three had a lot of fun dicussing it. The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy (Crown, 2015): I started listening to this one and am so far fascinated. The Fog Diver by Joel Ross (HarperCollins, 2015): I'm reading this one in an eGalley; fun combo of dystopian and steampunk for middle grade readers. As Red as Blood by Salla Simukka (Skyscape, 2014): I'm also reading this Finnish thriller; I've just started it and am reserving judgment until I get a little farther along.

I've also spotted other family members reading manga, the New York Review of Books, National Geographic, Entertainment Weekly, and various newspapers.

What are you and your family reading?


Shaina 5/4/15, 7:41 AM  

Sorry to hear about your relative. Best wishes for recovery!

I'm so impressed that so many of your family members love reading! I'm a bit of an outlier in mine, hence why I needed to find my bookish family online. ;)

bermudaonion 5/4/15, 8:42 AM  

I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way.

JoAnn 5/4/15, 9:54 AM  

Hope the books are providing comfort and helping to pass the long hours. Thoughts and prayers for your family.

Kay 5/4/15, 9:57 AM  

So sorry about your family member. Hope reading is helping to cope and pass the hours. Thoughts and prayers for all of you.

Daryl 5/4/15, 11:33 AM  

my husband refuses to read .. don't even ask .. as for me i read enough for both of us .. currently i am reading Full Dark House: A Peculair Crimes Unit Mystery .. Christopher Fowler .. i wasn't sure i was going to stick with it but i am now glad i did.

Sarah (Sarah's Book Shelves) 5/4/15, 4:02 PM  

I hope things are progressing alright at the hospital. And I love this post...your family's reading is quite impressive!

Sue Jackson 5/4/15, 6:56 PM  

Sorry to hear you have a sick family member.

I just finished And the Mountains Echoed - another amazing, powerful novel by Hosseini.

Just read House on Mango Street last year because my sons both read it for English class. They weren't too impressed, but I liked it!

Enjoy your books this week and thoughts go out to your family. Here's what my family is reading this week:



Nise' 5/4/15, 9:51 PM  

Sending prayers for your family member. My daughter is reading One Kick. My son is reading The Maze Runner. My husband just reads the paper.

Lisa 5/4/15, 11:19 PM  

Wow - you've got a lot of readers in your family and all reading so many different things!

Belle Wong 5/4/15, 11:24 PM  

Sending my thoughts and prayers to your family and the one who's in the hospital. I thought I hadn't read much last month because I was at the hospital every day visiting my mom, but it turned out I listened to a lot of audiobooks. I just hadn't realized it until I checked my stats. Books definitely offer a lot of cover and help to reduce stress.

Peaceful Reader 5/5/15, 10:12 PM  

Reading does have the ability to help us keep our minds off of things. I am curious what the 13-yr-old is reading? My husband's family is like this; constantly sharing books back and forth.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) 5/6/15, 8:26 AM  

Sorry to hear about your sick relative and hope things are improving. Looks like some good reading choices. I always dive into a book as a distraction while my husband will look for a TV!

Bree 5/7/15, 2:38 PM  

I must pick up the other Hosseini books. I stopped after the first one. It was so good. Why didn't I get the others???? Too many books in this world.

Great feature. Good to see so many people in your family reading. Only my mom reads. My son was a frantic reader when he was in school. Would always get in trouble for it.

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