08 September 2018

Weekend Cooking: My Favorite Chicken Parm Recipe

Chicken Parmesan recipe from the Dinner PlanMy fingers are crossed that by the time you read this post, the 90F temperatures will have broken and it will finally feel more like September. I am so ready for sweater weather and crisp, cool evenings.

After about 18 days of eating restaurant food, I was happy to get back into my own kitchen and take charge of my meals. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have any food fails on my trip, and it was a pleasure not to have to do the the washing up. Still, I generally eat lighter dishes, smaller portions, and more fruits and vegetables at home than I did in Belgium.

As a consequence, I made mostly old standards this week, leaving the experimentation alone for the moment. As I was planning my dinners, I had a craving for what has become my favorite version of chicken Parmesan, from what has become one of my favorite cookbooks, The Dinner Plan by Kathy Brennan and Caroline Campion, which I wrote about last year (follow the link) and received from Abrams as part of last year's Abrams Dinner Party.

Before I get to the recipe, here are a few notes:  

  • Vegetarians, you can make this with eggplant instead of chicken.
  • The sauce is awesome and plentiful -- we mop up the extra with homemade bread, though you could, of course, make pasta (as suggested in the recipe).
  • I make this in a large cast-iron skillet, which is perfect for moving from stovetop to oven.
  • This is truly a quick and delicious meal that works perfectly for busy weeknights
You'll have to click the image to enlarge it and see the recipe clearly. Because Brennan and Campion provide so much information (tips, etc.) beyond the directions, I though it better to just scan the recipe and photo, so you could have it all.

Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads

Even if you already have a go-to chicken Parm recipe, I hope you give this one a try. It's the only one I've made since I got my copy of The Dinner Plan from Abrams almost a year ago.
Weekend Cooking hosted by www.BethFishReads.comWeekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews (novel, nonfiction), cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs, restaurant reviews, travel information, or fun food facts. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

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gluten Free A_Z Blog 9/8/18, 6:45 AM  

Welcome back ! Sounds like you had a good trip. I like the idea of substituting eggplant in that simple yet delicious looking parmesan recipe Thanks for hosting. I look forward to it every Saturday

Mae Travels 9/8/18, 7:00 AM  

When I get home from a long trip I feel exactly the same as you do: a good thing to be back in the kitchen with familiar food. We were just on the road for a few days and last night, after a full day of driving, had tuna salad and baked potatoes -- same idea, no? (Except that we had to eat what had stayed in the house for a week.)

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Jackie McGuinness 9/8/18, 7:20 AM  

I also like getting back to my own kitchen. I never get enough veg when eating out. Don't get me wrong, I love eating out and trying lots of things, but the portions are generally too big for me.

I just borrowed The Dinner Plan from the library!

I do have a favourite chicken parm recipe but will check this one out.

Love eggplant, but John hates it with a passion.

bermudaonion 9/8/18, 7:53 AM  

I know exactly what you mean about getting tired of restaurant food. This looks like a great standard recipe.

Tina 9/8/18, 8:30 AM  

Great recipe and I agree, it’s wonderful to travel and also great to get back to your own kitchen. I would make this both ways, with chicken and sometimes with eggplant.

rhapsodyinbooks 9/8/18, 9:40 AM  

I also agree about restaurant food, although the not-having-to-clean-up part is nice!

Unknown 9/8/18, 10:32 AM  

I hope the weather has broken for you and it's a little cooler! That chicken Parmesan looks amazing and I love the alternatives you have given.

Deb in Hawaii 9/8/18, 11:20 AM  

Glad to see you settling back into your own kitchen. ;-) I love how cheesy your parm looks and would definitely try it with the eggplant. Yum!

Claudia 9/8/18, 12:34 PM  

Good one, as I actually have an eggplant that needed some inspiration. Hope you've recovered from your vacation :)

Cecelia 9/8/18, 3:43 PM  

Being home in your own bed & kitchen is the reward for coming back! I hope it was really lovely.

I must check out this cookbook you love so much - I admit, I've been lazy about discovering new cookbooks lately!

Carole 9/8/18, 7:29 PM  

Thanks for hosting. Next week I'm trying the thumbnail Mr Linky for the first time - I'll let you know how that works out. Cheers from carole's chatter

Aj @ Read All The Things! 9/9/18, 6:09 PM  

This looks so yummy! I wish I liked cooking. I mostly like eating. Someone else can do all the hard work.

Aj @ Read All The Things!

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